Trading API Release Notes Archive
This archive document contains information about older releases. For recent releases, see the current Release Notes.
Release Version | Release Date | Description of Release |
1331 | 2023-October-23 | New ListingOnHold field added to GetItem; New error codes for 1331; Logic and behavior changes to support on-hold listings; New enum values added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType |
1327 | 2023-September-18 | GetCharities Call Decommissioned |
1325 | 2023-August-29 | All DSA-related fields are available on all eBay marketplaces |
1323 | 2023-August-25 | New Fee and Credit added to GetAccount; Extended Producer Responsibility IDs set at account level; Several enumerated values deprecated in NotificationEventTypeCodeType; Four fields deprecated in GetMyeBaySelling call; TicketListingDetails and QuantityInfo containers deprecated in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls; Czechia and Cyprus added to SiteCodeType; UpdateReturnPolicy and UpdateSellerInfo deprecated in ReviseItem call; OriginatingPostalCode field deprecated |
1321 | 2023-July-17 | GetMyeBayReminders Call Decommissioned; CODCost field removed |
1319 | 2023-Jun-26 | Added condition grading support for the United Kingdom (GB) |
1315 | 2023-Jun-16 | Deprecated CODCost fields and the enumerated value BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.COD |
1313 | 2023-Jun-2 | AddTransactionConfirmationItem and GetContextualKeywords Decommissioned; Logic Change for RefundAmount Field in MonetaryDetails; Logic Change for Modified Line Items in GST and GIT |
1311 | 2023-May-19 | Regulatory changes; Numerous fields scheduled for decommission in order management calls; Logic change for Total and AmountPaid fields in GetOrders |
1305 | 2023-Apr-7 | Vault in-hand submission shipping address returned; New status for AuthenticityVerificationType |
1303 | 2023-Mar-24 | Added Support for Linking Separate Orders; SubscriptionLevel field removed from GetStore |
1301 | 2023-Mar-10 | Buyers in the EU must be allowed to return an item within 14 days or more; GetApiAccessRules Call Decommissioned |
1299 | 2023-Feb-24 | New Schema Added to Support VeRO Violation Reporting |
1295 | 2023-Jan-27 | Six Dispute Calls Decommissioned; GetOrderTransactions Call Deprecated |
1291 | 2022-Dec-30 | New Schema Added to Support Hazardous Material Label Related Information and Repair Score; New Error Codes for 1291 |
1285 | 2022-Nov-18 | Updated Picture Limit |
1281 | 2022-Oct-21 | EU and UK Payments regulations update: Digital Signatures; New item eligibility flag for shipping managed by eBay; Updates to GetAccount Call; Updates to CancelReasonCodeType type; Shipping service override changes to business policies; Australia sellers offering freight shipping changes |
1279 | 2022-Oct-07 | Added support for eBay shipping; New Error Codes for 1279 |
1275 | 2022-Sep-09 | A new intermediated international shipping program has been added |
1267 | 2022-Jul-15 | Four Store Calls Scheduled for Decommission on September 30 |
1257 | 2022-May-06 | HitCounter field removed from WSDL; HitCount field updates; Quantity and StartPrice no longer returned in ReviseInventoryStatus |
1255 | 2022-Apr-22 | GetCategorySpecifics Call Decommisioned |
1249 | 2022-Mar-11 | Extended producer responsibility related information returned |
1247 | 2022-Feb-25 | Winter 2022 Seller Updates Available; HitCounter and HitCount Fields Deprecated |
1235 | 2021-Dec-03 | New Schema added to support custom policies; New Schema added to support extended producer responsibility regulations; New Error Codes for 1235 |
Version 1331
Changed Calls - 1331 | Schema Changes - 1331 | Announcements - 1331 | ||
New Features - 1331 | Changed Functionality - 1331 | Document Changes and Errata - 1331 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1331
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1331
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Modified |
Field | Added |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Announcements - 1331
By January 22nd, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000 and applicable ConditionDescriptors name-value pairs.
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1331
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1331.
New ListingOnHold field added to GetItem
The ListingOnHold field has been added to SellingStatusType and will be returned in GetItem as applicable. See SellingStatusType for details on this new field.
Changed Functionality - 1331
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New error codes for 1331
Below is a list of the new error messages that rolled out with the 1331 release. All of these messages are related to on-hold listings. The long version of each message is used below:
(warning) 21920396: This listing has a policy violation.
(error) 21920397: This listing has been removed for a policy violation.
(error) 21920398: This listing has a policy violation.
is not possible.
These error and warning messages can be viewed in the Errors by Number page.
Logic and behavior changes to support on-hold listings
Various logic/behavior changes have been made to several Trading calls that return listing data to indicate if a listing is currently on hold due to an eBay policy violation. These changes are covered in the list below:
- GetItemTransactions: If the item ID passed into the ItemID field is for a listing that is on hold, existing error code 17 ("This item cannot be accessed because the listing has been deleted or you are not the seller.") will be triggered.
- GetOrders: If the Order ID passed into the OrderID field is for a single line item ordered spawned from a listing that is on hold, existing error code 21917182 ("OrderLineItemIDs replaceable_value could not be found. Associated Items may have been deleted or removed.") will be triggered.
- GetOrderTransactions: If the Order ID passed in the OrderID field is for a single line item order spawned from a listing that is on hold, or if the ItemID, SKU, or OrderLineItemID (or ItemID/TransactionID combo specified through the TransactionID container) involves an order line item spawned from a listing that is on hold, existing error code 21917182 ("OrderLineItemIDs replaceable_value could not be found. Associated Items may have been deleted or removed.") will be triggered.
- GetSellerList: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.
GetSellerEvents: When making a GetSellerEvents call, the item.Title field will be returned masked as
for listings on hold due to a policy violation. - GetSellerTransactions: When making a GetSellerTransactions call, the ItemId value of the listing will be returned in the item.Title field, in place of the item title, to indicate that the listing is on hold due to a policy violation.
- GetMyeBaySelling: When making a GetMyeBaySelling call, the ItemId value of the listing will be returned in the item.Title field, in place of the item title, to indicate that the listing is on hold due to a policy violation.
New enum values added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType
, HermesReturnLblSellerPaidShpFeeCr
, DHLReturnLblShippingFee
, and DHLReturnLblShippingFeeCredit
have been added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType as enum values and will be returned by GetAccount as applicable.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1331
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1331 and Changed Functionality - 1331.
None for this release.
Version 1327
Changed Calls - 1327 | Schema Changes - 1327 | Announcements - 1327 | ||
New Features - 1327 | Changed Functionality - 1327 | Document Changes and Errata - 1327 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1327
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1327
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Modified |
Announcements - 1327
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1327
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1327.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1327
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
GetCharities Call Decommissioned
The GetCharities call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetCharities have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes - 1327
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1327
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1327 and Changed Functionality - 1327.
None for this release.
Version 1325
Changed Calls - 1325 | Schema Changes - 1325 | Announcements - 1325 | ||
New Features - 1325 | Changed Functionality - 1325 | Document Changes and Errata - 1325 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1325
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1325
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1325
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1325
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1325.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1325
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
All DSA-related fields are available on all eBay marketplaces
All DSA-related fields are now available on all eBay marketplaces (no longer restricted to specific marketplaces). The Trading API now supports the following features:
- Energy Efficiency Labels
- Hazmat
- Regional Product Compliance Policies
- Regional Take-back Policies
- Repair Score
- Eco-Participation Fee
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1325
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1325 and Changed Functionality - 1325.
None for this release.
Version 1323
Changed Calls - 1323 | Schema Changes - 1323 | Announcements - 1323 | ||
New Features - 1323 | Changed Functionality - 1323 | Document Changes and Errata - 1323 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1323
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetAccount
- GetAllBidders
- GetBidderList
- GeteBayDetails
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetMyeBayBuying
- GetMyeBaySelling
- GetNotificationPreferences
- GetNotificationsUsage
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerDashboard
- GetSellerEvents
- GetSellerList
- GetSellerTransactions
- GetUser
- GetVeROReasonCodeDetails
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SetNotificationPreferences
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1323
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Type | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Announcements - 1323
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1323
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1323.
New Fee and Credit added to GetAccount
The following new fee and credit fields were added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType, and will be returned in GetAccount as applicable. See AccountDetailEntryCodeType for details on this new fee and credit.
Changed Functionality - 1323
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Extended Producer Responsibility IDs set at account level
For sellers selling on the eBay France Marketplace, Extended Producer Responsibility ID fields are no longer set at the listing level and have been removed from the Trading WSDL. Instead, sellers must provide these IDs for each applicable category in their My eBay accounts. The URL will be based on the seller's home/registration site, and will use this pattern: https://accountsettings.*/epr-fr. Sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on. The ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType fields removed were: ProducerProductID
, ProductPackageID
, ShipmentPackageID
, and ProductDocumentationID
. These fields are no longer usable; if used, the user will get a warning about the fields no longer being supported.
Several enumerated values deprecated in NotificationEventTypeCodeType
Because some of the order inquiry series events have been deprecated, the following enumerated values in NotificationEventTypeCodeType (used in the GetNotificationPreferences, GetNotificationsUsage, and SetNotificationPreferences methods) were also deprecated:
- OrderInquiryClosed
- OrderInquiryOpened
- INRBuyerOpenedDispute
- OrderInquiryProvideShipmentInformation
- OrderInquiryEscalatedToCase
- INRBuyerClosedDispute
- INRSellerRespondedToDispute
Four fields deprecated in GetMyeBaySelling call
Because the data is no longer being actively maintained by eBay, the following four fields in GetMyeBaySelling have been deprecated and scheduled for decommission on 02-06-2024: Summary.AuctionBidCount, Summary.ClassifiedAdOfferCount, Summary.TotalLeadCount, and SellingSummary.AuctionBidCount.
TicketListingDetails and QuantityInfo containers deprecated in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls
The TicketListingDetails and QuantityInfo container fields in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify and related calls have been deprecated and are not usable. They will be ignored if sent.
Added Czechia and Cyprus to SiteCodeType
and Cyprus
have been added to SiteCodeType as enumeration values.
UpdateReturnPolicy and UpdateSellerInfo deprecated in ReviseItem call
The UpdateReturnPolicy and UpdateSellerInfofields fields in the ReviseItem call have been deprecated and are not usable. They will be ignored if sent.
OriginatingPostalCode field deprecated
The OriginatingPostalCode was deprecated in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify family, GetItem family, GetSeller family, and GetOrders calls. To specify the postal code of the item's location, using the Item.PostalCode field in the request. For example, in the AddItem call specify the item's location using the Item.PostalCode field.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1323
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1323 and Changed Functionality - 1323.
None for this release.
Version 1321
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1321
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1321
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- AddOrder
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerTransactions
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SendInvoice
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1321
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Announcements - 1321
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1321
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1321.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1321
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
GetMyeBayReminders Call Decommissioned
The GetMyeBayReminders call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetMyeBayReminders have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes - 1301 section.
Instead of this API, buyers and sellers can go to My eBay to see all of their selling/buying reminders.
CODCost field removed
The deprecated CODCost fields in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and related calls such as SendInvoice have been removed. This field is no longer returned in GetItem/GetOrder/GetSeller responses.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1321
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1321 and Changed Functionality - 1321.
None for this release.
Version 1319
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1319
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1319
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetItem
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1319
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Changed Schema
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1319
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1319
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1319.
Condition grading
Note: The ConditionDescriptors and the ConditionDescriptor containers are currently available only in the United Kingdom (GB), with rollout to other markets in early July 2023.
To provide support for condition grading, the ConditionDescriptors container, and the ConditionDescriptor container and its child fields AdditionalInfo, Name, and Value, can be used by the seller to provide information about the specific condition of an item. This information is passed in using the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and returned by calling GetItem.
Changed Functionality - 1319
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1319
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1319 and Changed Functionality - 1319.
None for this release.
Version 1315
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1315
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1315
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- AddOrder
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerTransactions
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SendInvoice
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1315
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
ShippingDetailsType.CODCost |
Field | Deprecated |
SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost |
Field | Deprecated |
BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.COD |
Enum | Deprecated |
Announcements - 1315
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1315
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1315.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1315
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
ShippingDetailsType.CODCost and SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost fields were deprecated
The ShippingDetailsType.CODCost and SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost fields, and the enumerated value BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.COD was deprecated, as COD is no longer a supported payment method on any marketplace. See Index of Changed Calls - 1315 for affected methods.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1315
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1315 and Changed Functionality - 1315.
None for this release.
Version 1313
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1313
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1313
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1313
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1313
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
AddTransactionConfirmationItem and GetContextualKeywords Decommissioned
The AddTransactionConfirmationItem and GetContextualKeywords calls have been decommissioned and removed from the Trading WSDL and documentation.
New Features - 1313
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1313.
New Fees and Credits Added to GetAccount
The following new fees and credits were added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType, and will be returned in GetAccount as applicable. See AccountDetailEntryCodeType for details on these new fees and credits.
- PromotedDisplayFee
- PromotedDisplayFeeCredit
- USWHTFederal
- USWHTFederalCredit
- USWHTState
- USWHTStateCredit
- EPRFee
- EPRFeeCredit
- CAPostReturnLabelFee
- CAPostReturnLabelFeeCredit
- HermesReturnLabelFee
- HermesReturnLabelFeeCredit
- BankPayoutFee
- BankPayoutFeeCredit
- CharityDonation
- CharityDonationCredit
Changed Functionality - 1313
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Logic Change for RefundAmount Field in MonetaryDetails
For GetOrders call, there has been a logic change for the RefundAmount field under MonetaryDetails container. Previously, the final value fee amount deducted from the seller's payout funds for the sale was not included in this field, which means that the amount in this field may not reflect the buyer's actual refund amount. The GetOrders call will be updated to include the seller's final value fee amount in this field, so the amount in this field should match the buyer's actual refund amount. To pick up this new logic in GetOrdersresponses, a Trading WSDL version of 1311 or above must be used, or the user can use an older Trading WSDL version but include and set the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL header value to 1311 or above.
Logic Change for Modified Line Items in GST and GIT
For GetSellerTransactions and GetItemTransactions calls, please note that for a multiple line item order, all line items of that order that meet the filter criteria may be returned in the responses, even the line item(s) that were not actually modified. In other words, if any part of the order was modified, all line items of that order may be returned.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1313
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1313 and Changed Functionality - 1313.
None for this release.
Version 1311
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1311
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1311
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetItem
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1311
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Changed Schema
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | Modified |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Modified |
Announcements - 1311
None for this release.
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1311
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1311.
Regulatory changes
Note: The EnergyEfficiencyLabel and the Hazmat containers are initially available only on the German (DE) marketplace. The RepairScore field is provided for future use (not presently available).
As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, the EnergyEfficiencyLabel container and its child fields ImageDescription, ImageURL, and ProductInformationsheet, can be used by the seller to provide Energy Efficiency Label related information for the listing. This information is passed in using the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and returned by calling GetItem.
RegionalProductCompliancePolicies and RegionalTakeBackPolicies fields were added, providing compliance functionality specified by region, and ProductCompliancePolicyID now applies to Global product compliance policies.
Numerous fields scheduled for decommission in order management calls
Numerous fields in the response payloads of the GetOrders, GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling calls are being deprecated. See the Deprecated Trading Order Management Fields document for the complete list of deprecated fields and reasons for deprecation.
Changed Functionality - 1311
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1311
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1311 and Changed Functionality - 1311.
Logic change for Total and AmountPaid fields in GetOrders
The field descriptions for Order.Total and Order.AmountPaid fieldsin GetOrders incorrectly stated that sales tax was included in those two amounts, but that was not the case prior to Version 1307. Going foward, sales tax will be included in these amounts if using Trading WSDL Version 1307 or above. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1307, the amount in thes fields will not include sales tax. To incorporate the new logic (sales tax included) while using a Trading WSDL that is older than 1307, developers can also use the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL header and set its value to 1307 or higher.
Version 1331
Changed Calls - 1331 | Schema Changes - 1331 | Announcements - 1331 | ||
New Features - 1331 | Changed Functionality - 1331 | Document Changes and Errata - 1331 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1331
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1331
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Modified |
Field | Added |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Announcements - 1331
By January 22nd, 2024, all existing listings must be modified with either Condition ID 2750 or Condition ID 4000 and applicable ConditionDescriptors name-value pairs.
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1331
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1331.
New ListingOnHold field added to GetItem
The ListingOnHold field has been added to SellingStatusType and will be returned in GetItem as applicable. See SellingStatusType for details on this new field.
Changed Functionality - 1331
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New error codes for 1331
Below is a list of the new error messages that rolled out with the 1331 release. All of these messages are related to on-hold listings. The long version of each message is used below:
(warning) 21920396: This listing has a policy violation.
(error) 21920397: This listing has been removed for a policy violation.
(error) 21920398: This listing has a policy violation.
is not possible.
These error and warning messages can be viewed in the Errors by Number page.
Logic and behavior changes to support on-hold listings
Various logic/behavior changes have been made to several Trading calls that return listing data to indicate if a listing is currently on hold due to an eBay policy violation. These changes are covered in the list below:
- GetItemTransactions: If the item ID passed into the ItemID field is for a listing that is on hold, existing error code 17 ("This item cannot be accessed because the listing has been deleted or you are not the seller.") will be triggered.
- GetOrders: If the Order ID passed into the OrderID field is for a single line item ordered spawned from a listing that is on hold, existing error code 21917182 ("OrderLineItemIDs replaceable_value could not be found. Associated Items may have been deleted or removed.") will be triggered.
- GetOrderTransactions: If the Order ID passed in the OrderID field is for a single line item order spawned from a listing that is on hold, or if the ItemID, SKU, or OrderLineItemID (or ItemID/TransactionID combo specified through the TransactionID container) involves an order line item spawned from a listing that is on hold, existing error code 21917182 ("OrderLineItemIDs replaceable_value could not be found. Associated Items may have been deleted or removed.") will be triggered.
- GetSellerList: When making a GetSellerList call, items that are on-hold due to an eBay policy violation will not be returned in the response.
GetSellerEvents: When making a GetSellerEvents call, the item.Title field will be returned masked as
for listings on hold due to a policy violation. - GetSellerTransactions: When making a GetSellerTransactions call, the ItemId value of the listing will be returned in the item.Title field, in place of the item title, to indicate that the listing is on hold due to a policy violation.
- GetMyeBaySelling: When making a GetMyeBaySelling call, the ItemId value of the listing will be returned in the item.Title field, in place of the item title, to indicate that the listing is on hold due to a policy violation.
New enum values added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType
, HermesReturnLblSellerPaidShpFeeCr
, DHLReturnLblShippingFee
, and DHLReturnLblShippingFeeCredit
have been added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType as enum values and will be returned by GetAccount as applicable.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1331
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1331 and Changed Functionality - 1331.
None for this release.
Version 1327
Changed Calls - 1327 | Schema Changes - 1327 | Announcements - 1327 | ||
New Features - 1327 | Changed Functionality - 1327 | Document Changes and Errata - 1327 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1327
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1327
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Type | Modified |
Announcements - 1327
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1327
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1327.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1327
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
GetCharities Call Decommissioned
The GetCharities call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetCharities have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes - 1327
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1327
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1327 and Changed Functionality - 1327.
None for this release.
Version 1325
Changed Calls - 1325 | Schema Changes - 1325 | Announcements - 1325 | ||
New Features - 1325 | Changed Functionality - 1325 | Document Changes and Errata - 1325 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1325
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1325
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1325
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1325
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1325.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1325
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
All DSA-related fields are available on all eBay marketplaces
All DSA-related fields are now available on all eBay marketplaces (no longer restricted to specific marketplaces). The Trading API now supports the following features:
- Energy Efficiency Labels
- Hazmat
- Regional Product Compliance Policies
- Regional Take-back Policies
- Repair Score
- Eco-Participation Fee
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1325
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1325 and Changed Functionality - 1325.
None for this release.
Version 1323
Changed Calls - 1323 | Schema Changes - 1323 | Announcements - 1323 | ||
New Features - 1323 | Changed Functionality - 1323 | Document Changes and Errata - 1323 |
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1323
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetAccount
- GetAllBidders
- GetBidderList
- GeteBayDetails
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetMyeBayBuying
- GetMyeBaySelling
- GetNotificationPreferences
- GetNotificationsUsage
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerDashboard
- GetSellerEvents
- GetSellerList
- GetSellerTransactions
- GetUser
- GetVeROReasonCodeDetails
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SetNotificationPreferences
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1323
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Enum | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Type | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Type | Modified |
Enum | Added |
Enum | Added |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Field | Deprecated |
Announcements - 1323
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1323
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1323.
New Fee and Credit added to GetAccount
The following new fee and credit fields were added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType, and will be returned in GetAccount as applicable. See AccountDetailEntryCodeType for details on this new fee and credit.
Changed Functionality - 1323
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Extended Producer Responsibility IDs set at account level
For sellers selling on the eBay France Marketplace, Extended Producer Responsibility ID fields are no longer set at the listing level and have been removed from the Trading WSDL. Instead, sellers must provide these IDs for each applicable category in their My eBay accounts. The URL will be based on the seller's home/registration site, and will use this pattern: https://accountsettings.*/epr-fr. Sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on. The ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType fields removed were: ProducerProductID
, ProductPackageID
, ShipmentPackageID
, and ProductDocumentationID
. These fields are no longer usable; if used, the user will get a warning about the fields no longer being supported.
Several enumerated values deprecated in NotificationEventTypeCodeType
Because some of the order inquiry series events have been deprecated, the following enumerated values in NotificationEventTypeCodeType (used in the GetNotificationPreferences, GetNotificationsUsage, and SetNotificationPreferences methods) were also deprecated:
- OrderInquiryClosed
- OrderInquiryOpened
- INRBuyerOpenedDispute
- OrderInquiryProvideShipmentInformation
- OrderInquiryEscalatedToCase
- INRBuyerClosedDispute
- INRSellerRespondedToDispute
Four fields deprecated in GetMyeBaySelling call
Because the data is no longer being actively maintained by eBay, the following four fields in GetMyeBaySelling have been deprecated and scheduled for decommission on 02-06-2024: Summary.AuctionBidCount, Summary.ClassifiedAdOfferCount, Summary.TotalLeadCount, and SellingSummary.AuctionBidCount.
TicketListingDetails and QuantityInfo containers deprecated in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls
The TicketListingDetails and QuantityInfo container fields in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify and related calls have been deprecated and are not usable. They will be ignored if sent.
Added Czechia and Cyprus to SiteCodeType
and Cyprus
have been added to SiteCodeType as enumeration values.
UpdateReturnPolicy and UpdateSellerInfo deprecated in ReviseItem call
The UpdateReturnPolicy and UpdateSellerInfofields fields in the ReviseItem call have been deprecated and are not usable. They will be ignored if sent.
OriginatingPostalCode field deprecated
The OriginatingPostalCode was deprecated in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify family, GetItem family, GetSeller family, and GetOrders calls. To specify the postal code of the item's location, using the Item.PostalCode field in the request. For example, in the AddItem call specify the item's location using the Item.PostalCode field.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1323
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1323 and Changed Functionality - 1323.
None for this release.
Version 1321
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1321
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1321
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- AddOrder
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerTransactions
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SendInvoice
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1321
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | Removed |
Type | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Field | Removed |
Announcements - 1321
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1321
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1321.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1321
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
GetMyeBayReminders Call Decommissioned
The GetMyeBayReminders call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetMyeBayReminders have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes - 1301 section.
Instead of this API, buyers and sellers can go to My eBay to see all of their selling/buying reminders.
CODCost field removed
The deprecated CODCost fields in Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and related calls such as SendInvoice have been removed. This field is no longer returned in GetItem/GetOrder/GetSeller responses.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1321
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1321 and Changed Functionality - 1321.
None for this release.
Version 1319
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1319
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1319
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetItem
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1319
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Changed Schema
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1319
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1319
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1319.
Condition grading
Note: The ConditionDescriptors and the ConditionDescriptor containers are currently available only in the United Kingdom (GB), with rollout to other markets in early July 2023.
To provide support for condition grading, the ConditionDescriptors container, and the ConditionDescriptor container and its child fields AdditionalInfo, Name, and Value, can be used by the seller to provide information about the specific condition of an item. This information is passed in using the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and returned by calling GetItem.
Changed Functionality - 1319
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1319
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1319 and Changed Functionality - 1319.
None for this release.
Version 1315
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1315
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1315
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- AddOrder
- GetItem
- GetItemShipping
- GetItemTransactions
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetSellerTransactions
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- SendInvoice
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1315
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
ShippingDetailsType.CODCost |
Field | Deprecated |
SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost |
Field | Deprecated |
BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.COD |
Enum | Deprecated |
Announcements - 1315
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1315
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1315.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1315
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
ShippingDetailsType.CODCost and SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost fields were deprecated
The ShippingDetailsType.CODCost and SendInvoiceRequest.CODCost fields, and the enumerated value BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.COD was deprecated, as COD is no longer a supported payment method on any marketplace. See Index of Changed Calls - 1315 for affected methods.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1315
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1315 and Changed Functionality - 1315.
None for this release.
Version 1313
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1313
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1313
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1313
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1313
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
AddTransactionConfirmationItem and GetContextualKeywords Decommissioned
The AddTransactionConfirmationItem and GetContextualKeywords calls have been decommissioned and removed from the Trading WSDL and documentation.
New Features - 1313
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1313.
New Fees and Credits Added to GetAccount
The following new fees and credits were added to AccountDetailEntryCodeType, and will be returned in GetAccount as applicable. See AccountDetailEntryCodeType for details on these new fees and credits.
- PromotedDisplayFee
- PromotedDisplayFeeCredit
- USWHTFederal
- USWHTFederalCredit
- USWHTState
- USWHTStateCredit
- EPRFee
- EPRFeeCredit
- CAPostReturnLabelFee
- CAPostReturnLabelFeeCredit
- HermesReturnLabelFee
- HermesReturnLabelFeeCredit
- BankPayoutFee
- BankPayoutFeeCredit
- CharityDonation
- CharityDonationCredit
Changed Functionality - 1313
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Logic Change for RefundAmount Field in MonetaryDetails
For GetOrders call, there has been a logic change for the RefundAmount field under MonetaryDetails container. Previously, the final value fee amount deducted from the seller's payout funds for the sale was not included in this field, which means that the amount in this field may not reflect the buyer's actual refund amount. The GetOrders call will be updated to include the seller's final value fee amount in this field, so the amount in this field should match the buyer's actual refund amount. To pick up this new logic in GetOrdersresponses, a Trading WSDL version of 1311 or above must be used, or the user can use an older Trading WSDL version but include and set the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL header value to 1311 or above.
Logic Change for Modified Line Items in GST and GIT
For GetSellerTransactions and GetItemTransactions calls, please note that for a multiple line item order, all line items of that order that meet the filter criteria may be returned in the responses, even the line item(s) that were not actually modified. In other words, if any part of the order was modified, all line items of that order may be returned.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1313
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1313 and Changed Functionality - 1313.
None for this release.
Version 1311
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1311
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1311
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetItem
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1311
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Changed Schema
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Type | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | New |
Field | Modified |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Added |
Field | Modified |
Announcements - 1311
None for this release.
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1311
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1311.
Regulatory changes
Note: The EnergyEfficiencyLabel and the Hazmat containers are initially available only on the German (DE) marketplace. The RepairScore field is provided for future use (not presently available).
As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, the EnergyEfficiencyLabel container and its child fields ImageDescription, ImageURL, and ProductInformationsheet, can be used by the seller to provide Energy Efficiency Label related information for the listing. This information is passed in using the Add/Revise/Relist/Verify calls and returned by calling GetItem.
RegionalProductCompliancePolicies and RegionalTakeBackPolicies fields were added, providing compliance functionality specified by region, and ProductCompliancePolicyID now applies to Global product compliance policies.
Numerous fields scheduled for decommission in order management calls
Numerous fields in the response payloads of the GetOrders, GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling calls are being deprecated. See the Deprecated Trading Order Management Fields document for the complete list of deprecated fields and reasons for deprecation.
Changed Functionality - 1311
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1311
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1311 and Changed Functionality - 1311.
Logic change for Total and AmountPaid fields in GetOrders
The field descriptions for Order.Total and Order.AmountPaid fieldsin GetOrders incorrectly stated that sales tax was included in those two amounts, but that was not the case prior to Version 1307. Going foward, sales tax will be included in these amounts if using Trading WSDL Version 1307 or above. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1307, the amount in thes fields will not include sales tax. To incorporate the new logic (sales tax included) while using a Trading WSDL that is older than 1307, developers can also use the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL header and set its value to 1307 or higher.
Version 1305
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1305
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1305
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1305
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
AuthenticityVerification | Type | Modified |
AuthenticityVerification.Status | Field | Modified |
Order.ShippingAddress | Field | Modified |
Announcements - 1305
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1305
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1305.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1305
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Vault in-hand submission shipping address returned
For Vault in-hand submission orders, the warehouse address is now available for the buyer view. For these orders, the address returned for the Buyer View will be the authenticator's address.
New status for AuthenticityVerificationType
The status PASSED_WITH_PARTIAL_FAILURE was added as a possible returned value for AuthenticityVerification.Status field of the following calls:
- GetOrders
- GetOrderTransactions
- GetItemTransactions
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1305
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1305 and Changed Functionality - 1305.
None for this release.
Version 1303
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1303
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1303
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1303
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Transaction.LinkedLineItemArray | Container | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem | Container | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.EstimatedDeliveryTimeMax | Field | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.EstimatedDeliveryTimeMin | Field | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.Item | Container | Added |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.OrderID | Field | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.OrderLineItemID | Field | New |
LinkedLineItemArray.LinkedLineItem.SellerUserID | Field | New |
LinkedLineItemArrayType | Type | New |
LinkedLineItemType | Type | New |
StoreType | Type | Modified |
StoreType.StoreSubscriptionLevelCodeType | Type | Removed |
StoreType.StoreSubscriptionLevel | Field | Removed |
Announcements - 1303
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1303
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1303.
Added Support for Linking Separate Orders
Schema was added that links items from separate orders which may be from different sellers. This can be used to provide details about a component (purchased from one seller) needed for its installation (purchased from a different seller). Details can identify the linked seller and also include delivery times, item information, and order information.
Changed Functionality - 1303
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
SubscriptionLevel field removed from GetStore
The SubscriptionLevel field has been removed from the GetStore call. Use the getSubscription method of the Account API to retrieve information on a seller's eBay store subscription.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1303
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1303 and Changed Functionality - 1303.
None for this release.
Version 1301
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1301
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1301
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1301
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
GetApiAccessRules | Call | Removed |
ApiAccessRuleType | Type | Removed |
AccessRuleCurrentStatusCodeType | Type | Removed |
AccessRuleStatusCodeType | Type | Removed |
GetApiAccessRulesRequestType | Type | Removed |
GetApiAccessRulesResponseType | Type | Removed |
Announcements - 1301
Buyers in the EU must be allowed to return an item within 14 days or more
As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, as of April 3, 2023, buyers in the EU must be allowed to return an item within 14 days or more, unless the item is exempt. Where applicable, sellers should update their return policies to reflect this requirement of accepting returns from EU buyers. This update can be made through the ReturnPolicy container or through a return business policy that is referenced through the SellerProfiles.SellerReturnProfile container.
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1301
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1301.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1301
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
GetApiAccessRules Call Decommissioned
The GetApiAccessRules call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetApiAccessRules have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes - 1301 section. We recommend that you use the Developer Analytics API, an API that retrieves all usage data on all RESTful APIs and the Trading API.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1301
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1301 and Changed Functionality - 1301.
None for this release.
Version 1299
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1299
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1299
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1299
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
ReportItem.Brand |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1299
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1299
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1299.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1299
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New Schema Added to Support VeRO Violation Reporting
The field Brand was added to the ReportItem container to provide the brand name of the item being reported for VeRO violation.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1299
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1299 and Changed Functionality - 1299.
None for this release.
Version 1295
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1295
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1295
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1295
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
AddDispute |
Call | Removed |
AddDisputeResponse |
Call | Removed |
DisableUnpaidItemAssistance |
Call | Removed |
GetDispute |
Call | Removed |
GetUserDisputes |
Call | Removed |
SellerReverseDispute |
Call | Removed |
AddDisputeRequestType |
Type | Removed |
AddDisputeResponseType |
Type | Removed |
AddDisputeResponseRequestType |
Type | Removed |
AddDisputeResponseResponseType |
Type | Removed |
DisableUnpaidItemAssistanceRequestType |
Type | Removed |
DisableUnpaidItemAssistanceResponseType |
Type | Removed |
GetDisputeRequestType |
Type | Removed |
GetDisputeResponseType |
Type | Removed |
GetUserDisputesRequestType |
Type | Removed |
GetUserDisputesResponseType |
Type | Removed |
SellerReverseDisputeRequestType |
Type | Removed |
SellerReverseDisputeResponseType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeActivityCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeArrayType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeCreditEligibilityCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeExplanationCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeFilterCountType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeFilterTypeCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeIDType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeMessageSourceCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeMessageType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeReasonCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeRecordTypeCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeResolutionReasonCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeResolutionRecordTypeCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeResolutionType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeSortTypeCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeStateCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeStatusCodeType |
Type | Removed |
DisputeType |
Type | Removed |
Announcements - 1295
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1295
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1295.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1295
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Six Dispute Calls Decommissioned
The following six Dispute calls have been decommissioned as of January 31, 2023. These calls and their exclusively used types have been removed from the Trading WSDL and from reference documentation:
- AddDispute
- AddDisputeResponse
- DisableUnpaidItemAssistance
- GetDispute
- GetUserDisputes
- SellerReverseDispute
The DisableUnpaidItemAssistance, AddDisputeResponse, and SellerReverseDispute calls do not have alternative APIs to use since the Unpaid Item Assistant feature and Unpaid Item cases are deprecated. However, there is a page in Selling Preferences in My eBay that allows a seller to cancel and relist any items that have not been paid for after a specified amount of days.
There are REST API equivalents for the other three calls as follows:
- AddDispute: Use the Create Cancellation Request method of the Post-Order API to make an order cancellation request.
- GetDispute: Use the Get Cancellation method of the Post-Order API to retrieve details on a specific cancellation request.
- GetUserDisputes: Use the Search Cancellations method of the Post-Order API to search for cancellation requests using a variety of search filters.
GetOrderTransactions Call Deprecated
The GetOrderTransactions call is deprecated and will be decommissioned on January 31, 2024. No further updates are planned for this API during the deprecation period. Developers have the option of migrating to the GetOrders call in the Trading API, or the getOrders method of the Fulfillment API. Please note that the Fulfillment API only returns paid orders, so if your use case calls for retrieving both paid and unpaid orders, we recommend migrating to the GetOrders call in the Trading API.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1295
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1295 and Changed Functionality - 1295.
None for this release.
Version 1291
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1291
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1291
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
Schema Changes - 1291
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
Regulatory |
Container | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat |
Container | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.Component |
Field | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.Pictograms |
Container | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.Pictograms.Pictogram |
Field | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.SignalWord |
Field | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.Statements |
Container | New |
Regulatory.Hazmat.Statements.Statement |
Field | New |
Regulatory.RepairScore |
Field | New |
RegulatoryType |
Type | New |
HazmatType |
Type | New |
PictogramsType |
Type | New |
StatementsType |
Type | New |
Announcements - 1291
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1291
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1291.
New Schema Added to Support Hazardous Material Label Related Information and Repair Score
Due to regulatory requirement changes, sellers now have the ability to provide hazardous material related information and the repair score for listings.
Changed Functionality - 1291
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New Error Codes for 1291
Below is the list of the new error messages that rolled out with the 1291 release. All of these messages are related to using hazardous material related information and repair score. The long version of each message is used below.
- (Warning)
:replaceable_value ID(s) replaceable_value not found. Please use valid ID(s).
- (Warning)
:Duplicate Regulatory ID(s) replaceable_value sent in the request. Duplicate ID(s) have been ignored.
- (Warning)
:Hazmat structure incorrect for replaceable_value.
- (Error)
:Repair score invalid. Repair score must be in the range from replaceable_value to replaceable_value with one decimal place.
- (Error)
:The value of the replaceable_value field is invalid. Field must not exceed replaceable_value characters.
These error and warning messages can be viewed in the Errors By Number page.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1291
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1291 and Changed Functionality - 1291.
None for this release.
Version 1285
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1285
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1285
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetBidderList
- GetItem
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1285
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1285
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1285
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1285.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1285
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Updated Picture Limit
This release of the Trading API updates the picture limit. With the exception of motor vehicle listings on the US and Canada marketplaces, sellers can now include up to 24 pictures in a listing free of charge in all categories on all marketplaces. The number of included pictures in motor vehicle listings depend on the selected vehicle package (see Fees for selling vehicles on eBay Motors).
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1285
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1285 and Changed Functionality - 1285.
None for this release.
Version 1281
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1281
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1281
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1281
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.FedExReturnLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.FedExReturnLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.AUPostReturnLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.AUPostReturnLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.UpsCaLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.UpsCaLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.FedExCaLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.FedExCaLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.HubbedReturnLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.HubbedReturnLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.RoyalMailReturnLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.RoyalMailReturnLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.ParcelForcePostReturnLabelFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.ParcelForcePostReturnLabelFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.OffsiteAdsFee |
Enum | New |
AccountDetailEntryCodeType.OffsiteAdsFeeCredit |
Enum | New |
CancelReasonCodeType.AddressIssues |
Enum | New |
CancelReasonCodeType.BuyerCancelOrAddressIssue |
Enum | Deprecated |
Item.IsItemEMSEligible |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1281
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
EU and UK Payments regulations update: Digital Signatures
Due to EU and UK Payments regulatory requirements, an additional security verification via Digital Signatures is required for certain API calls that are made by EU/UK sellers, including GetAccount. Refer to Digital Signatures for APIs for information about creating signatures to be included in the HTTP payload.
New Features - 1281
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1281.
New item eligibility flag for shipping managed by eBay
The new boolean field IsItemEMSEligible was added to the GetItem call (in ItemType). If true
, the item is eligible for shipping managed by eBay; false
, the item is not eligible for shipping managed by eBay.
Changed Functionality - 1281
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Updates to GetAccount Call
Sixteen new enumeration values were added for GetAccount (in AccountDetailEntryCodeType) to account for new account fees/credits. The enumeration values include:
See these new values in AccountDetailEntryCodeType for more information.
Updates to CancelReasonCodeType type
A new enumerated value AddressIssues
was added and the enumerated value BuyerCancelOrAddressIssue
was Deprecated.
See the new value in CancelReasonCodeType for more information.
Shipping service override changes to business policies
When revising or relisting an item that is using business policies and has one or more shipping service cost overrides set up, the Item.SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile container and the Item.ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container(s) must be included even if no changes are being made.
Australia sellers offering freight shipping changes
Sellers offering freight shipping on the Australia (AU) marketplace must now use the AU_Freight
enumeration value for ShippingServiceCodeType. For these sellers, the Freight
value will no longer be accepted and may lead to a blocking error.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1281
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1281 and Changed Functionality - 1281.
None for this release.
Version 1279
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1279
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1279
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1279
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
ShippingDetails.eBayEstimatedLabelCost |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1279
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1279
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1279.
Added support for eBay shipping
The return of the eBayEstimatedLabelCost field with a value of 0.0
indicates that a free shipping label by eBay is downloadable by the seller via the eBay website. See more details about Authenticity Guarantee and how eBay shipping applies to eligible sneaker listings.
Changed Functionality - 1279
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New Error Codes for 1279
Below is the list of the new error messages that rolled out with the 1279 release. All of these messages are related to using eBay Shipping. The long version of each message is used below.
- (Warning)
:replaceable_value. // Mapped to authenticity guarantee notification message
- (Warning)
:replaceable_value. // Mapped to eBay shipping notification message
- (Warning)
:This listing is not eligible for eBay shipping. Option ignored.
- (Error)
:This listing qualifies for eBay shipping. Local pickup only is not a valid shipping option.
- (Error)
:This listing qualifies for eBay shipping. Handling time must not exceed 3 days.
- (Warning)
:replaceable_value has been dropped as no domestic shipping service was provided.
These error and warning messages can be viewed in the Errors By Number page.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1279
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1279 and Changed Functionality - 1279.
None for this release.
Version 1275
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1275
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1275
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1275
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1275
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1275
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1275.
A new intermediated international shipping program has been added
A new intermediated international shipping program called eBay International Shipping is available. On the US marketplace, the Global Shipping Program is scheduled to be replaced by this new intermediated shipping program (eBay International Shipping). US Sellers opted in to the Global Shipping Program will automatically get opted into eBay International Shipping once it becomes available to them. All US sellers will be migrated by March 31, 2023. As long as the US seller's account is opted in to eBay International Shipping, this shipping option will be automatically enabled for all listings where international shipping is available.
Support for eBay International Shipping has been added to GetOrders, GetSellerTransactions, GetItemTransactions, and GetOrderTransactions calls. The eBay International Shipping partner's address is shown in the MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress container. Additionally, similar to the ReferenceID field provided for the Global Shipping Program, the eBay Virtual Tracking number (eVTN) that is used for the domestic leg of the shipment is appended to the Street2 field (not in the ReferenceID field).
Changed Functionality - 1275
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1275
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1275 and Changed Functionality - 1275.
None for this release.
Version 1267
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1267
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1267
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1267
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1267
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Four Store Calls Scheduled for Decommission on September 30
The new Stores platform no longer supports custom store pages and other customization functionality, so the following four store calls are deprecated and scheduled for decommission on September 30, 2022:
Although these four calls still work and will continue to work up until the decommission date, it is recommended that they are no longer used since none of the customization features in these calls can be applied to stores in the Production environment
Additionally, the following containers and fields related to store customization in the GetStore call are also deprecated and scheduled for decommission on September 30, 2022:
- CustomHeader (string)
- CustomHeaderLayout (enum)
- CustomListingHeader (whole container)
- ExportListings (boolean)
- HeaderStyle (enum)
- HomePage (long)
- ItemListLayout (enum)
- ItemListSortOrder (enum)
- Logo.LogoID (int)
- Logo.Name (string)
- Theme (whole container)
- TitleWithCompatibility (boolean)
New Features - 1267
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1267.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1267
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1267
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1267 and Changed Functionality - 1267.
None for this release.
Version 1257
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1257
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1257
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1257
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
HitCounterCodeType |
Type | Removed |
Item.HitCounter |
Field | Removed |
Announcements - 1257
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1257
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1257.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1257
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
HitCounter field removed from WSDL
The HitCounter field has been removed from the WSDL. It can no longer be used in Add/Revise calls, nor will it be returned in GetItem, GetBidderList, GetSellerEvents, or GetSellerList.
HitCount field updates
The HitCount field will no longer be returned in GetItem or GetBidderList, but it will continue to be returned in GetSellerEvents and GetSellerList, but with a logic change. Instead of the HitCount value representing the lifetime hit count for listings, the value will be the total number of page hits within the latest 30-day period.
Quantity and StartPrice no longer returned in ReviseInventoryStatus
The Quantity and StartPrice fields will no longer be returned in the ReviseInventoryStatus response. However, these fields will function the same as before in ReviseInventoryStatus request. If users would like to verify if their price and/or quanity changes were successfully pushed out to the listing (or variation within a listing), they can use the GetItem call to verify the changes.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1257
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1257 and Changed Functionality - 1257.
None for this release.
Version 1255
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1255
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
.Index of Changed Calls - 1255
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
No changed calls in this release.
Schema Changes - 1255
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
GetCategorySpecificsRequest |
Type | Removed |
GetCategorySpecificsResponse |
Type | Removed |
AspectUsageCodeType |
Type | Removed |
CategoryItemSpecificsType |
Type | Removed |
NameRecommendationType |
Type | Removed |
NameValueRelationshipType |
Type | Removed |
ProductRequiredCodeType |
Type | Removed |
RecommendationsType |
Type | Removed |
RecommendationValidationRulesType |
Type | Removed |
RelevanceIndicatorType |
Type | Removed |
SelectionModeCodeType |
Type | Removed |
UsageConstraintCodeType |
Type | Removed |
ValueFormatCodeType |
Type | Removed |
ValueRecommendationType |
Type | Removed |
VariationPictureRuleCodeType |
Type | Removed |
VariationSpecificsRuleCodeType |
Type | Removed |
Announcements - 1255
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
GetCategorySpecifics Call Decommisioned
The GetCategorySpecifics call has been decommissioned, and the call reference documentation has been removed. Additionally, all types exclusively used by GetCategorySpecifics have been removed from the Trading WSDL. You can see the full list of removed types in the Schema Changes section.
The alternative solution to GetCategorySpecifics is the getItemAspectsForCategory method of the Taxonomy API. For more information about migrating to the Taxonomy API and using the Taxonomy SDK, see the Taxonomy API migration guide.
New Features - 1255
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1255.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1255
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1255
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1255 and Changed Functionality - 1255.
None for this release.
Version 1249
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1249
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page, or visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Index of Changed Calls - 1249
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
Schema Changes - 1249
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1249
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1249
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1249.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1249
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
Extended producer responsibility related information returned
Sellers can now return their listing's extended producer responsibility related information using the GetItem call.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1249
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1249 and Changed Functionality - 1249.
None for this release.
Version 1247
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1247
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page and the Knowledge Base.
Index of Changed Calls - 1247
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- GetBidderList
- GetItem
- GetSellerEvents
- GetSellerList
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1247
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
No schema changes in this release.
Announcements - 1247
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
Winter 2022 Seller Updates Available
The Winter 2022 Seller Updates have been released. Below is a high-level summary of the updates:
- More robust sales data available under Performance tab in Seller Hub
- Updates and expansion for all Promoted Listings products (Standard, Express, and Advanced)
- More sellers will get the option of requiring all buyers to provide payment details before making a Best Offer on a listing, reducing the risk of Unpaid Items for Best Offer transactions
- More sellers will get the option of requiring all buyers to provide payment details before making a Best Offer on a listing, reducing the risk of Unpaid Items for Best Offer transactions
- Upcoming updates to order fees and credits
- Sellers will now be refunded the $0.30 per-order fee for orders that are cancelled at the buyer's request
- The additional final value fee charged to Below Standard sellers will increase from 5% to 6% (of sales price)
- Final value fees will have a slight increase for most categories (0.3% for Store sellers and 0.35% for non-Store sellers). See the Selling Fees Updates table for the full list of fee increases.
- Listing Subtitle fee increases by $0.50 for both fixed-price and auction listings
- Starting in May 2022, sellers will get partial final value fee credits for partial refunds
- Starting in June 2022, the Promoted Listings Standard fee will be calculated based on the total order cost (including applicable taxes and shipping), and not just the sales price
New Features - 1247
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1247.
None for this release.
Changed Functionality - 1247
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
None for this release.
HitCounter and HitCount Fields Deprecated
Hit counters are no longer displayed in View Item pages, so the HitCounter and HitCount fields are no longer applicable and are scheduled for decommission. For developers/sellers who are interested in seeing page views and listing performance, the getTrafficReport method of the Sell Analytics API can be used.
Currently, if the HitCounter field is used in the request payload of an add/revise/relist/verify call, the field will be ignored and a warning message will be returned.
Until both fields are decommissioned, the HitCounter and HitCount fields will still be returned in GetItem, GetBidderList, GetSellerEvents, and GetSellerList. For HitCounter, the default value for the marketplace will be returned, such as NoHitCounter
or HiddenStyle
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1247
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1247 and Changed Functionality - 1247.
None for this release.
Version 1235
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1235
For a current list of known issues, see the API Status page and the Knowledge Base.
Index of Changed Calls - 1235
These calls were added, modified, deprecated, or affected by documentation changes in this release. The changes are described below as well as in each call's Change History.
New Calls
No new calls in this release.
Changed Calls
- AddFixedPriceItem
- AddItem
- AddItems
- RelistFixedPriceItem
- RelistItem
- ReviseFixedPriceItem
- ReviseItem
- VerifyAddFixedPriceItem
- VerifyAddItem
- VerifyRelistItem
Schema Changes - 1235
Enumeration note: You need to use this release version or higher to retrieve new code list values that were added in this release. See Code Lists.
Note: Support for extended producer responsibility regulations and custom policies will become active mid-December 2021. Additional resources such as the custom policies resource (for the Account API), the getExtendedProducerResponsibilityPolicies method (for the Sell Metadata API), and the Custom Policies help page will also become active.
Name | Part of Schema | Type of Change |
ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType |
Type | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility |
Field | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility.ProducerProductId |
Field | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility.ProductPackageId |
Field | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility.ShipmentPackageId |
Field | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility.ProductDocumentationId |
Field | New |
Item.ExtendedProducerResponsibility.EcoParticipationFee |
Field | New |
CustomPoliciesType |
Type | New |
Item.CustomPolicies |
Field | New |
Item.CustomPolicies.TakeBackPolicyId |
Field | New |
Item.CustomPolicies.ProductCompliancePolicyId |
Field | New |
Item.Variations.Variation.VariationExtendedProducerResponsibility |
Field | New |
VariationExtendedProducerResponsibilityType |
Type | New |
Item.Variations.Variation.VariationExtendedProducerResponsibility.Item.Variations.Variation.EcoParticipationFee |
Field | New |
Announcements - 1235
Change Requests
See the API Status page for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Support page for account support, technical support, and other support resources.
New Features - 1235
This section describes new features that have been added as of this release. New features can involve new calls, new capabilities, and/or new fields added to existing calls.
For logical or functional changes to existing features and calls, including code list changes, see Changed Functionality - 1235.
Note: Support for extended producer responsibility regulations and custom policies will become active mid-December 2021. Additional resources such as the custom policies resource (for the Account API), the getExtendedProducerResponsibilityPolicies method (for the Sell Metadata API), and the Custom Policies help page will also become active.
New Schema added to support custom policies
To support custom policies, policy IDs can be specified in add, revise, relist, or verify calls. This feature is supported by a limited number of sites and specific categories. Refer to the Metadata API to return the enabled sites and categories. To create and manage custom policies, see the Account API.
- CustomPolicies: This container and its child fields are used to specify custom policy IDs.
New Schema added to support extended producer responsibility regulations
To support new extended producer responsibility regulations, information about the producer of a new item can be specified in add, revise, relist, or verify calls. This feature is supported by a limited number of sites and specific categories. Refer to the Metadata API to return the enabled sites and categories.
- ExtendedProducerResponsibility: This container field provides information about the producer of the new item. This includes producer, packaging, shipment packaging, and added documentation IDs, and the EcoParticipationFee.
- VariationExtendedProducerResponsibility: This container field defines variation-specific Extended Producer Responsibility information, specifically the EcoParticipationFee in add, revise, relist, or verify calls.
Changed Functionality - 1235
This section describes logical or functional changes that have been made to existing functionality, including new code list values and/or changes in validation rules.
New Error Codes for 1235
Below is the list of the new error messages that rolled out with the 1235 release. All of these messages are related to using Extended Producer Responsibility. The long version of each message is used below.
- (Warning)
:replaceable_value is not applicable and has been dropped.
- (Error)
:replaceable_value is required for this category.
- (Warning)
:Eco Participation Fee is not applicable for the condition and has been dropped.
- (Error)
:Eco Participation Fee is not valid and needs to be a number between replaceable_value and replaceable_value.
- (Error)
:replaceable_value is not valid.
- (Error)
:replaceable_value cannot be revised if the item has a bid or is ending within 12 hours.replaceable_value business day(s).
- (Warning)
:Same policy ID(ies) replaceable_value cannot be specified multiple times.
- (Error)
:Only replaceable_value policies can be specified, But given policies are replaceable_value.
- (Error)
:The specified replaceable_value policy(ies) replaceable_value are not found.
- (Error)
:The policy(ies) replaceable_value is not of type replaceable_value.
- (Warning)
:Item level Eco Participation Fee will be ignored for MSKU items.
These error and warning messages can be viewed in the Errors By Number page.
Documentation Changes and Errata - 1235
This section lists additional documentation changes and corrections that were made with this release and that are not already mentioned in New Features - 1235 and Changed Functionality - 1235.
None for this release.