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You can use the eBay Developers Program to build and offer any of the following tools or services:

  • Selling—create listings, manage inventory, and post-order activities
  • Buying—discover inventory and manage checkout and bidding tasks
  • Searching—customized interfaces for searching the eBay marketplace
  • Affiliate—tools to drive buyers to eBay
  • Customer service functionality—feedback, customer communications
  • Marketing—promoted listings, coupons, discounts, and item promotions

Some of our available services and program resources include:

  • Loyalty Program—The Loyalty Program recognizes and rewards our partners based on a developer's eBay business scale and solution sophistication.
  • EPN Program—Join the eBay Partner Network to earn money by driving traffic and prompting sales across one of the world's largest and most diverse marketplaces.
  • SDKs—Use our downloadable SDKs (software development kits) to make application development easier and more efficient via our SDKs pre-coded solutions for common programming tasks.
  • OpenAPI—Use our Open API to generate clients in one of 40+ supported programming languages, and successfully invoke an eBay API in minutes.
  • WSDLs—Every traditional API has an XML-based WSDL available that will help a user get up and running making API calls. The location of the WSDLs for each API can be found on the "Making a Call" page of that API's documentation set.
  • Support—Explore our support page to learn more about account and technical support available for developers, our API status page, knowledge base, and various partner solutions.
  • Forums—Interact with and ask questions of the eBay developer community. Explore the numerous categories such as Buy APIs - Browse, New Sell APIs - Marketing, Analytics, Metadata, and Token, Messaging, Sandbox related issues.
  • Development resources—Explore our free resources to help in your development process including API reference docs, samples, tutorials, and user guides.

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