eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

AddToWatchListRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Adds one or more order line items to the eBay user's Watch List. An auction item or a single-variation, fixed-price listing is identified with an ItemID value. To add a specific item variation to the Watch List from within a multi-variation, fixed-price listing, the user will use the VariationKey container instead.

Call that uses AddToWatchListRequestType:


ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..*]
The unique identifier of the single-variation listing that is to be added to the eBay user's Watch List. The item must be a currently active item, and the total number of items in the user's Watch List (after the items in the request have been added) cannot exceed the maximum allowed number of Watch List items. One or more ItemID fields can be specified. A separate error node will be returned for each item that was not successfully added to the Watch List.

The user must use either one or more ItemID values or one or more VariationKey containers, but the user may not use both of these entities in the same call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

VariationKey ( VariationKeyType ) [0..*]
This container is used to specify one or more item variations in a multi-variation, fixed-price listing that you want to add to the Watch List. The listing is identified through the ItemID value and each item variation existing within that listing is identified through a VariationSpecifics.NameValueList container.

The user must use either one or more ItemID values or one or more VariationKey containers, but the user may not use both of these entities in the same call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VariationKey.