eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


A list of compatible applications specified as name and value pairs. Describes an assembly with which a part is compatible (i.e., parts compatibility by application). For example, to specify a part's compatibility with a vehicle, the name would map to standard vehicle characteristics (e.g., Year, Make, Model, Trim, and Engine). The values would desribe the specific vehicle, such as a 2006 Honda Accord.

Type that uses ItemCompatibilityListType:

Calls that use ItemCompatibilityListType:


Compatibility ( ItemCompatibilityType ) [0..*]
Details for an individual compatible application, consisting of the name-value pair and related parts compatibility notes. When revising or relisting, the Delete field can be used to delete individual parts compatibility nodes.

Note: For the GetItem call, Compatibility includes only parts compatibility details that were specified manually; that is, they do not correspond to an eBay catalog product. To retrieve parts compatibility details that do correspond to eBay catalog products, use the eBay Product API's getProductCompatibilities call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Compatibility.

ReplaceAll ( boolean ) [0..1]
Set this value to true to delete or replace all existing parts compatibility information when you revise or relist an item. If set to true, all existing item parts compatibility nodes are removed from the listing. If new item compatibilities are specified in the request, they replace the removed compatibilities.

Note: To ensure that buyer expectations are upheld, you cannot delete or replace an item parts compatibility list if the listing has bids or if the auction ends within 12 hours.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ReplaceAll.