eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


This type defines the UnpaidItemAssistancePreferences container. This container is used in SetUserPreferences to set the preferences related to the Unpaid Item Assistant feature. The UnpaidItemAssistancePreferences container is also returned in GetUserPreferences (if the ShowUnpaidItemAssistancePreference flag is included and set to true in the request).

See the Resolving unpaid items with buyers Help topic for more information about setting up and using the Unpaid Item preferences feature.

Types that use UnpaidItemAssistancePreferencesType:

Calls that use UnpaidItemAssistancePreferencesType:


AutoRelist ( boolean ) [0..1]
Flag to indicate whether or not the seller wants eBay to automatically relist items after an unpaid order is cancelled. For a multiple-quantity listing, the quantity is adjusted if AutoRelist is set to true.

This field is ignored if the OptInStatus flag is included and set to false in the request, or if the seller is not currently opted into the Unpaid Item preferences feature on My eBay.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AutoRelist.

DelayBeforeOpeningDispute ( int ) [0..1]
This value indicates the number of days that should elapse before an unpaid order is cancelled on behalf of the seller. Valid values are: 4, 7, 11, 19, 27, and 30 (days).

This field is ignored if the OptInStatus flag is included and set to false in the request, or if the seller is not currently opted into the Unpaid Item preferences feature on My eBay.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use DelayBeforeOpeningDispute.

ExcludedUser ( string ) [0..*]
An eBay User ID to which the seller's Unpaid Item preferences do not apply. A seller may want to create an excluded user list if that seller prefers to work directly with those buyers to work out the unpaid order situation.

One or more ExcludedUser fields are used in SetUserPreferences to add users to Unpaid Item preferences Exclusion list. Any and all ExcludedUser fields are ignored if the OptInStatus flag is included and set to false in the request, or if the seller is not currently opted into the Unpaid Item preferences feature in Unpaid Item preferences on My eBay.

In GetUserPreferences, one or more ExcludedUser fields represent the current Excluded user list.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ExcludedUser.

OptInStatus ( boolean ) [0..1]
Flag to indicate whether or not the seller has enabled Unpaid Item preferences. Unpaid Item preferences must be enabled for any of the Unpaid Item preferences to have an effect.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use OptInStatus.

RemoveAllExcludedUsers ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field should be included and set to true if the seller wants to clear all excluded users set in Unpaid Item preferences. A seller may want to create an excluded user list if that seller prefers to work directly with those buyers to work out the unpaid order situation.

Users can be added to Exclusion list through the ExcludedUser field. The RemoveAllExcludedUsers field is ignored if the OptInStatus flag is included and set to false in the request, or if the seller is not currently opted into the Unpaid Item preferences feature in Unpaid Item preferences on My eBay.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RemoveAllExcludedUsers.