eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


This type is used to express details about a customized eBay Store category.

Types that use StoreCustomCategoryType:

Calls that use StoreCustomCategoryType:


CategoryID ( long ) [1]
Unique identifier of an eBay Store's custom category. eBay auto-generates this identifier when a seller establishes a custom store category. This category ID should not be confused with an eBay category ID.

This field is conditionally required for SetStoreCategories, if the Action value is set to Rename, Move or Delete.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

ChildCategory ( StoreCustomCategoryType ) [0..*]
This container is used if the seller wants to add child categories to a top-level eBay store category. eBay Stores support three category levels.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ChildCategory.

Name ( string ) [0..1]
The seller-specified name of the custom category.
This field is conditionally required for SetStoreCategories, if the Action value is set to Add.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Name.

Order ( int ) [0..1]
The order in which the custom store category appears in the list of store categories when the eBay store is visited.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Order.