Type defining the paginationInput container, which is used to control the pagination of the result set, including the number of returns to return per page and the page number you want to return in the output.
Type that uses PaginationInput:
Call that uses PaginationInput:
This integer value is used to specify the maximum number of returns to display in a single "page" of data. This value, along with the number of returns that match the input criteria, will determine the total pages (see paginationOutput.totalPages) in the result set. This value defaults to '200' (the maximum allowed value) if not specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use entriesPerPage.
This integer value is used to specify the "page" of data to return in the call response. The total number of result pages is determined by the total number of returns (returned in paginationOutput.totalEntries) matching the request criteria divided by the number of returns to display per page of data (specified in entriesPerPage). This value defaults to '1' if not specified. If there are multiple pages of returns (see paginationOutput.totalPages) to view, multiple getUserReturns calls can be made to view all returns, and the pageNumber value can be incremented by 1 in each subsequent call.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use pageNumber.