eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8

Mark Return Refund Sent

POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent

This method is used on behalf of the seller to notify eBay and the buyer that a refund has been issued.

This method is not supported in the Sandbox environment.


See also Samples.

Resource URI (production)

POST https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent

URI parameters

Parameter Type Required? Meaning
returnId string Required The unique eBay-assigned ID of the return request. The returnId value is required as part of the call URI to identify the return request for which the refund was issued.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the authorization HTTP header for authentication.
See HTTP request headers for details.


This call uses standard authorization tokens. See Making a Call for details.

Payload model

The following lists all fields that could be included in the request.

{ /* MarkRefundSentRequest */
"comments": string,
    { /* Amount */
    "convertedFromCurrency": string,
    "convertedFromValue": number,
    "currency": string,
    "exchangeRate": string,
    "value": number
    { /* RefundDetailType */
        { /* Amount */
        "convertedFromCurrency": string,
        "convertedFromValue": number,
        "currency": string,
        "exchangeRate": string,
        "value": number
        { /* Amount */
        "convertedFromCurrency": string,
        "convertedFromValue": number,
        "currency": string,
        "exchangeRate": string,
        "value": number
    "itemizedRefundDetail": [
        { /* ItemizedRefundDetailType */
            { /* Amount */
            "convertedFromCurrency": string,
            "convertedFromValue": number,
            "currency": string,
            "exchangeRate": string,
            "value": number
        "refundFeeType": string,
        "restockingFeePercentage": string
        /* More ItemizedRefundDetailType nodes here */
        { /* Amount */
        "convertedFromCurrency": string,
        "convertedFromValue": number,
        "currency": string,
        "exchangeRate": string,
        "value": number

Request field descriptions

Input Container/Field Type Occurrence Meaning
comments string Optional This optional string field allows the seller to communicate any details about the refund being issued.
partialRefundAmount Amount Conditional This container is conditionally required if the buyer and seller agreed upon a partial refund. This amount is the dollar value of the partial refund.
string Optional The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
number Optional The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.
partialRefundAmount.currency string Optional A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
string Optional This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the amount in the convertedFromValue field to amount in the value field. This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version.
partialRefundAmount.value number Optional The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.
refundDetail RefundDetailType Required This container is used to specify the total amount of the refund, as well as an itemizedRefundDetail container for each refund type (refund on purchase price, refund on original shipping, or any other costs paid by the buyer). The amount(s) in the itemizedRefundDetail.amount field(s) should equal the amount in the refundDetail.totalAmount field.
refundDetail.donationAmount Amount Optional This container defines the refund amount for listings that included a charitable donation. This data includes the amount of the charitable donation refund, as well as currency conversion information when necessary including the current currency code, the value in the original currency, and the original currency's code.

Note: This container is not applicable for the following methods:
  • Create Return Request POST /post-order/v2/return
  • Issue Return Refund POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund
  • Mark Return Refund Sent POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent
string Optional The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
number Optional The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.
string Optional A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
string Optional This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the amount in the convertedFromValue field to amount in the value field. This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version.
number Optional The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.
refundDetail.feeCreditAmount Amount Optional This container shows the total amount of fees credited towards this refund as per eBay policy.
string Optional The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
number Optional The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.
string Optional A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
string Optional This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the amount in the convertedFromValue field to amount in the value field. This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version.
number Optional The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.
array of ItemizedRefundDetailType Required This container is used to declare a refund that is being issued, or has been issued to the buyer. An itemizedRefundDetail container is required for each different refund type, such as purchase price and original shipping. This container is required when using the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund method to issue a refund, or when using the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent method to mark a refund as sent. In the POST /post-order/v2/return and GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId} methods, this container will be returned under the actualRefund container if a refund has occurred.
Amount Required This container shows the amount of the refund for the particular refund type (specified in the refundFeeType field). When issuing a refund through the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund method, or if marking a refund as sent with the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent method, the seller must use a separate itemizedRefundDetail container for each refund type, such as one for the purchase price, and one for original shipping.
string Optional The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
number Optional The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.
string Optional A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
string Optional This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the amount in the convertedFromValue field to amount in the value field. This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version.
number Optional The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.
string Required This enumerated value indicates the type of refund. When issuing a refund through the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund method, or if marking a refund as sent with the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent method, the seller must use a separate itemizedRefundDetail container for each refund type, such as one for the purchase price, and one for original shipping.

The supported enumeration values representing refund fee types are defined in the RefundFeeTypeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See RefundFeeTypeEnum
refundDetail.totalAmount Amount Required This container shows the total cumulative amount of the refund issued to the buyer. This value should equal the sum of the values in the itemizedRefundDetail.refundAmount field(s). This container is required when using the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund method to issue a refund, or when using the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent method to mark a refund as sent. In the POST /post-order/v2/return and GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId} methods, this container will be returned under the actualRefund container if a refund has occurred.
string Optional The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is the pre-conversion currency.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
number Optional The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is the pre-conversion amount. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

If no conversion occurs, this should not be populated.
string Optional A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.

The list of three-digit currency codes that may be returned in this field are defined in the CurrencyCodeEnum type definition.

Applicable values: See CurrencyCodeEnum
string Optional This field shows the exchange rate used to convert the amount in the convertedFromValue field to amount in the value field. This field is only returned when eBay does a currency version.
refundDetail.totalAmount.value number Optional The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field. This field is always returned with any container using Amount type.


See also Samples.

Payload model

This call has no response payload.



New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Mark a Refund Sent

Communicate to the buyer that the refund has been sent.


With this operation, the seller can notify the buyer that a refund has been sent for the specified return, and provide a breakdown of the costs being refunded.


The returnId parameter is required to identify the return for which the refund was sent. In this request, there are two amounts being refunded: The purchase price of AUD 40.00 and the corresponding original shipping cost of AUD 3.10. The totalAmount container provides the sum of those two values (AUD 43.10).

URL format. See also the non-wrapped version of this URL.

POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/5********4/mark_refund_sent
    "itemizedRefundDetail": [
          "currency": "AUD",
          "value": "40.0"
        "refundFeeType": "PURCHASE_PRICE",
        "restockingFeePercentage": "0"
          "currency": "AUD",
          "value": "3.1"
        "refundFeeType": "ORIGINAL_SHIPPING",
        "restockingFeePercentage": "0"
        "currency": "AUD",
        "value": "43.1"


A successful call returns an HTTP code of 200; there is no payload for the response.

JSON format.

Change History

Change Date Description