eBay Trading APIVersion 1395

SetStoreCategoriesRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

This call allows you to set or modify the category structure of an eBay Store. Sellers must have an eBay Store subscription in order to use this call.

Call that uses SetStoreCategoriesRequestType:


Specifies the type of action (Add, Move, Delete, or Rename) to carry out for the specified eBay Store categories.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Action.

DestinationParentCategoryID ( long ) [0..1]
When adding or moving store categories, specifies the category under which the listed categories will be located. To add or move categories to the top level, set the value to -999.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use DestinationParentCategoryID.

ItemDestinationCategoryID ( long ) [0..1]
Items can only be contained within child categories. A parent category cannot contain items. If adding, moving, or deleting categories displaces items, you must specify a destination child category under which the displaced items will be moved. The destination category must have no child categories.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemDestinationCategoryID.

StoreCategories ( StoreCustomCategoryArrayType ) [0..1]
Specifies the store categories on which to act.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StoreCategories.