eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

GetSellerListRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

This call is used to retrieve an array of listings for the seller. The seller must be associated with the user/application token being used to make the call.

This call requires that either the 'Start Time' or 'End Time' date range filters be used. The date range specified by either of these filters can not exceed 120 days or an error will occur.

This call also requires that pagination be used.

Call that uses GetSellerListRequestType:


AdminEndedItemsOnly ( boolean ) [0..1]
This boolean field can be included and set to true if the seller would like to retrieve any listings that were administratively ended by eBay due to a listing policy violation.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AdminEndedItemsOnly.

CategoryID ( int ) [0..1]
If you specify a CategoryID value, the response will only contain listings in the category you specify.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

EndTimeFrom ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Specify either an end-time range or a start-time range filter in every call request. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndTimeFrom.

EndTimeTo ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time. Must be specified if EndTimeFrom is specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndTimeTo.

GranularityLevel ( GranularityLevelCodeType ) [0..1]
This field allows the user to control the amount of data that is returned in the response. See the Granularity Level table on this page for a list of the fields that are returned for each granularity level. Either GranularityLevel or DetailLevel can be used in a GetSellerList call, but not both. If both are specified, DetailLevel is ignored. If neither are used, the response fields will be the ones shown for 'Coarse' granularity.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use GranularityLevel.

IncludeVariations ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is included and set to true, the Variations node is returned for all multi-variation listings in the response.

Note: If the seller has many multiple-variation listings, that seller may not want to include variations in the GetSellerList response. Or, a seller can include variations data, but possibly limit the response by specifying shorter date ranges with the date range filters, or by reducing the number of listings returned per results (decreasing the Pagination.EntriesPerPage value).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeVariations.

IncludeWatchCount ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field may be included and set to true if the seller wishes to see the number of eBay users that are watching each listing.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use IncludeWatchCount.

MotorsDealerUsers ( UserIDArrayType ) [0..1]
Specifies the list of Motors Dealer sellers for which a special set of metrics can be requested. Applies to eBay Motors Pro applications only.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MotorsDealerUsers.

Pagination ( PaginationType ) [0..1]
This container controls the maximum number of listings that can appear on one page of the result set, as well as the page number of the result to return.

The GetSellerList call requires that the EntriesPerPage value be set. The PageNumber field is not required but will default to 1 if not included.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Pagination.

SKUArray ( SKUArrayType ) [0..1]
This container can be used to specify one or multiple SKUs, and only listings associated with these SKUs are retrieved. Note that all other request criteria are also considered when one or more SKU values are specified.

Note: Listings with matching SKUs are returned regardless of their Item.InventoryTrackingMethod setting.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SKUArray.

Sort ( int ) [0..1]
This field can be used to control the order in which returned listings are sorted (based on the listings' actual/scheduled end dates). Valid values are as follows:
  • 1 (descending order)
  • 2 (ascending order)
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Sort.

StartTimeFrom ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Each of the time ranges must be a value less than 120 days. In all calls, at least one date-range filter must be specified (i.e., you must specify either the end time range or start time range in every request).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StartTimeFrom.

StartTimeTo ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use StartTimeTo.