eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


Container for data on one listing category. Many of the CategoryType fields are only returned in the GetCategories response. Add/Revise/Relist calls only use the CategoryID field to specify which eBay category in which to list the item.

Types that use CategoryType:

Calls that use CategoryType:


AutoPayEnabled ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category supports immediate payment for listings. The immediate payment feature is applicable to fixed-price listings, to auction listings with the Buy It Now option enabled, and for a motor vehicle listing that requires an initial deposit. If the immediate payment feature is enabled for a listing, the buyer must pay immediately after clicking the 'Buy it Now' button. This field is only returned when true.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AutoPayEnabled.

B2BVATEnabled ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category supports business-to-business (B2B) VAT listings. If this field is not present, the category does not B2B VAT listings. This field is not returned when false. This feature is applicable to the eBay Germany (DE), Austria (AT), and Switzerland (CH) sites only.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use B2BVATEnabled.

BestOfferEnabled ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category supports Best Offers. If this field is not present, the category does not support Best Offers. This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BestOfferEnabled.

CategoryID ( string ) [0..1]
This string value is the unique identifier of an eBay category. In GetItem and related calls, see the CategoryName field for the text name of the category. The parent category of this eBay category is only shown in GetCategories.
Note: When listing in categoryID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software. In an Add call, the PrimaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required unless the seller successfully uses the ProductListingDetails container to find an eBay catalog product match. When the seller successfully uses an eBay catalog product to create a listing, the listing title, listing description, item specifics, listing category, and stock photo defined in the catalog product is used to create the listing.

In an Add/Revise/Relist call, the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID is conditionally required if a Secondary Category is used. Using a Secondary Category can incur a listing fee.

For ReviseItem only: Previously, removing the listing from a secondary category was only possible within 12 hours of the listing's scheduled end time when an auction listing had no active bids or a multiple-quantity, fixed-price listing had no items sold, but this restriction no longer exists. Now, the secondary category can be dropped for any active listing at any time, regardless of whether an auction listing has bids or a fixed-price listing has sales. To drop a secondary category, the seller passes in a value of 0 in the SecondaryCategory.CategoryID field.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

CategoryLevel ( int ) [0..1]
This integer value indicates the level where the category fits in the eBay site's category hierarchy. For example, if this field has a value of 2, then the category is two levels below the root category in the eBay site's category hierarchy.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryLevel.

CategoryName ( string ) [0..1]
This string value is the display name of the eBay primary category, as it would appear on the eBay site. In GetItem, this will be a fully-qualified category name (e.g., Collectibles:Decorative Collectibles:Hummel, Goebel).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryName.

CategoryParentID ( string ) [0..*]
This string value is the Category ID of the primary category's (indicated in the CategoryID field) parent category. The number of CategoryParentID values that are returned will depend on the LevelLimit value that is set (in GetCategories) and on how far up the primary category is in the eBay category hierarchy. CategoryParentID values are returned in correct sequence, starting from the root category and ending with the category that is the direct parent of the primary category specified in CategoryID. The CategoryID and CategoryParentID values will be the same if the LevelLimit value is set to 1.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryParentID.

Expired ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category is no longer a valid eBay category on the site, and items may not be listed in this category. This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Expired.

Keywords ( string ) [0..1]
Not used by any call.

This field is deprecated.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Keywords.

LeafCategory ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category is an eBay leaf category, a category in which items may be listed. This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LeafCategory.

LSD ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category does not support lot listings. A lot listing is a listing that features multiple related items that must be purchased by one buyer in one transaction. 'LSD' is an acronym for 'Lot Size Disabled'. 'Lot Size' refers to the LotSize field in the Add/Revise/Relisting calls that is conditionally required if the seller is creating a lot listing. The LSD field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LSD.

NumOfItems ( int ) [0..1]
Not used by any call.

This field is deprecated.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NumOfItems.

ORPA ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category is an exception to the eBay site's standard Reserve Price policy on auction listings. For example, if the site's default setting is to allow setting a Reserve Price, but ORPA is returned as true, this particular category does not support setting a Reserve Price. Or, if the site's default setting is not to allow setting a Reserve Price, but ORPA is returned as true, this particular category is the exception to that rule and does support setting a Reserve Price. If ORPA is true for the corresponding category, you can generally assume that the category's subcategories inherit the same setting. 'ORPA' is an acronym for 'Override Reserve Price Allowed'.

This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ORPA.

ORRA ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category is an exception to the eBay site's standard Reduce Reserve Price (on active auction listing) policy. For example, if the site's default setting is to allow reducing a Reserve Price for the active auction listing, but ORRA is returned as true, this particular category does not support reducing a Reserve Price. Or, if the site's default setting is not to allow reducting a Reserve Price, but ORRA is returned as true, this particular category is the exception to that rule and does support reducing a Reserve Price. If ORRA is true for the corresponding category, you can generally assume that the category's subcategories inherit the same setting. 'ORRA' is an acronym for 'Override Reduce Reserve Allowed'.

This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ORRA.

Virtual ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is returned as true, the corresponding category is an eBay virtual category, a category in which items may not be listed. This field is not returned when false.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Virtual.