eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

GetBidderListRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Retrieves all items that the user is currently bidding on, and the ones they have won or purchased.

Call that uses GetBidderListRequestType:


ActiveItemsOnly ( boolean ) [0..1]
Indicates whether or not to limit the result set to active items. If true, only active items are returned and the EndTimeFrom and EndTimeTo filters are ignored. If false (or not sent), both active and ended items are returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ActiveItemsOnly.

EndTimeFrom ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used in conjunction with EndTimeTo. Limits returned items to only those for which the item's end date is on or after the date/time specified. Specify an end date within 30 days prior to today. Items that ended more than 30 days ago are omitted from the results. If specified, EndTimeTo must also be specified. Express date/time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT. This field is ignored if ActiveItemsOnly is set to true.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndTimeFrom.

EndTimeTo ( dateTime ) [0..1]
Used in conjunction with EndTimeFrom. Limits returned items to only those for which the item's end date is on or before the date/time specified. If specified, EndTimeFrom must also be specified. Express date/time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT. This field is ignored if ActiveItemsOnly is set to true. Note that for GTC items, whose end times automatically increment by 30 days every 30 days, an EndTimeTo value within the first 30 days of a listing will refer to the listing's initial end time.

Note: Starting July 1, 2019, the Good 'Til Cancelled renewal schedule will be modified from every 30 days to once per calendar month. For example, if a GTC listing is created July 5, the next monthly renewal date will be August 5. If a GTC listing is created on the 31st of the month, but the following month only has 30 days, the renewal will happen on the 30th in the following month. Finally, if a GTC listing is created on January 29-31, the renewal will happen on February 28th (or 29th during a 'Leap Year'). See the Good 'Til Cancelled listings update in the Spring 2019 Seller Updates for more information about this change.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EndTimeTo.

GranularityLevel ( GranularityLevelCodeType ) [0..1]
You can control some of the fields returned in the response by specifying one of two values in the GranularityLevel field: Fine or Medium. Fine returns more fields than the default, while setting this field to Medium returns an abbreviated set of results.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use GranularityLevel.

UserID ( UserIDType (string) ) [0..1]
The unique identifier of an eBay user.

This field is generally not required unless there are multiple User IDs tied to the requester credentials that are specified through the RequesterCredentials header. If there are multiple User IDs tied to the requester credentials, this field allows you to specify the User ID for which you wish to retrieves bids and purchases.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UserID.