eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


This type defines the VariationProductListingDetails container that is used to specify a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), such as an EAN, an ISBN, or a UPC value, to identify a specific product variation in a multiple-variation listing. For a multiple-variation listing, the same GTIN type(s) must be used for all product variations within the same listing. For instance, if specify an ISBN value for one product variation within the listing, an ISBN value (and not an EAN or UPC value) must be specified for all product variations within the listing.

Type that uses VariationProductListingDetailsType:

Calls that use VariationProductListingDetailsType:


EAN ( string ) [0..1]
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify each product variation within a multiple-variation listing by an EAN (European Article Number) value. An EAN is a unique 8 or 13-digit identifier that many industries (such as book publishers) use to identify products. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if an EAN is supported/required for a category.

Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects EAN values, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EAN.

ISBN ( string ) [0..1]
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify each product variation within a multiplge-variation listing by an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value. An ISBN is a unique identifer for books. Both 10 and 13-character ISBNs are supported. When specifying a 13-character ISBN, the value must begin with either '978' or '979'. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if an ISBN is supported/required for a category.

Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects ISBN values, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ISBN.

NameValueList ( NameValueListType ) [0..*]
Not used by any call.

This container is for future use. If it used, it will be ignored.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NameValueList.

ProductReferenceID ( string ) [0..1]

Currently, sellers cannot associate an eBay catalog product with single variations within a multiple-variation listing for any eBay category. If the seller attempts to supply an eBay Product Identifier (ePID) at the variation level, a warning will get returned in the response stating that, 'Specifying a product identifier on a variant is not allowed in this category.'.

The ProductReferenceID field was originally added as part of the Product-Based Shopping Experience (PBSE) mandate, and eBay was going to allow and even require ePIDs to be specified for some leaf categories. However, with the rollback of the PBSE mandate, this field is not currently applicable or supported.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ProductReferenceID.

UPC ( string ) [0..1]
This field is used if the seller wants to, or is required to identify each product variation within a multiple-variation listing by a UPC (Universal Product Code) value. A UPC is a commonly-used identifier for many different products. The seller can use the GetCategoryFeatures call to see if a UPC is supported/required for a category.

Note: If the listing is being posted to a category that expects UPC values, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UPC.