eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

RemoveFromWatchListRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

The call enables a user to remove one or more items from their Watch List. A user can view the items that they are currently watching by calling GetMyeBayBuying.

The user has the option of removing one or more single-variation listings, one or more product variations within a multiple-variation listing, or removing all items from the Watch List.

Call that uses RemoveFromWatchListRequestType:


ItemID ( ItemIDType (string) ) [0..*]
The unique identifier of the item to be removed from the user's Watch List. Multiple ItemID fields can be specified in the same request, but note that the RemoveAllItems field or VariationKey container cannot be specified if one or more ItemID fields are used.

See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemID.

RemoveAllItems ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this field is included and set to true, then all the items in the user's Watch List are removed. Note that if the RemoveAllItems field is specified, one or more ItemID fields or the VariationKey cannot be used.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RemoveAllItems.

VariationKey ( VariationKeyType ) [0..*]
This container is used if the user want to remove one or more product variations (within a multiple-variation listing) from the Watch List. Note that if the VariationKey container is used, one or more ItemID fields or the RemoveAllItems field cannot be used.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use VariationKey.