eBay Finding APIVersion 1.13.0

Errors by Number

This table lists all error and warning messages that could be encountered using the eBay Finding API.

All error messages are provided in English only. You can use the ID as an index into your own structure for supplying messages in whatever language or format you wish, but base your message translations on the error strings in this table.

Each error is either an Application Error, System Error or Request Error. This error type is indicated in error result sets by the value returned in the errorMessage.error.category return field. The error type indicates what sort of action the application, the developer, or the end-user needs to take in response to the error.

The version number in the heading (which indicates which eBay Finding API version that was in effect when this table was last generated) may be higher than the version of the WSDL you are using. This is because the list of possible errors can change periodically even though the WSDL may not change (due to changes in validation rules on the eBay site).

Severity Description
1 ERROR Internal application error.
2 ERROR Keywords value required.
3 ERROR Invalid category ID.
4 ERROR Product ID is required.
5 ERROR Invalid store name.
6 ERROR Keyword or category ID are required.
7 -- --
8 ERROR Invalid entry count per page input.
9 ERROR Invalid bid count.
10 ERROR Invaild item condition.
11 ERROR Invalid currency.
12 ERROR Invalid date/time value.
13 ERROR Invalid boolean value.
14 ERROR Invalid numeric value.
15 ERROR Invalid listing type.
16 ERROR Currencies of maximum price and minimum price must match.
17 ERROR Invalid payment method.
18 ERROR Invalid postal code for specified country.
19 -- --
20 ERROR Invalid aspect Name.
21 ERROR Invalid aspect value.
22 ERROR Item filter {0} cannot be used together with item filter {1}.
23 ERROR Minimum value specified, {0}, is greater than maximum value specified, {1}.
24 ERROR Modified time from value cannot be in the future.
25 ERROR End time from value cannot be after end time to value.
26 ERROR Negative value is not allowed for item filter, {0}.
27 ERROR Currency value for price filters is invalid.
28 ERROR Invalid seller name.
29 ERROR Sort by bid count must be used with auction filter.
30 ERROR Postal code is required for local search and maximum distance searches.
31 -- --
32 ERROR Invalid Domain.
33 ERROR Only one domain ID is allowed for multiple aspects.
34 ERROR Too many categories in request. Maximum of {0} categories are allowed.
35 ERROR Category ID is required.
36 ERROR Invalid keyword.
37 ERROR Invalid output selector.
38 ERROR Invalid sort order.
39 ERROR Invalid product ID type.
40 ERROR Invalid product reference ID. Product reference IDs must be in numeric format.
41 ERROR Invalid product ID value.
42 ERROR Item filter name is required.
43 ERROR Invalid item filter name.
44 ERROR Item filter {0} can only have one value in a request.
45 ERROR Value is required for item filter, {0}.
46 ERROR Value is required for item filter, {0}.
47 ERROR Item filter {0} can be used only one time in a request.
48 ERROR Store name is required.
49 ERROR Value should be greater than 0 for item filter, {0}.
50 ERROR Too many seller IDs in request. For item filter {0}, maximum of {1} seller IDs are allowed.
51 ERROR Keyword is too long. The maximum length is {0}. The maximum length for a single word is {1}.
52 ERROR Domain ID is required for aspect filter.
53 ERROR ListingType, All, cannot be used in findItemsIneBayStore operation when only keyword is specified.
54 ERROR Parameter name and value are required by item filter, {0}.
55 ERROR eBay site {0} does not support finding items or getting histogram by category at this time.
56 ERROR eBay site {0} does not support finding items by product ID at this time.
57 ERROR Item filter {0} is required by item filter {1}.
58 ERROR eBay site {0} does not support requesting by output selector {1} at this time.
59 ERROR No recommendation was identified for the submitted keywords.
60 ERROR Searching in multiple domains is not supported currently.
61 ERROR Page Limit exceeded. Items can be fetched only for the first {0} pages..
62 ERROR Invalid Seller Business Type.
63 ERROR Keyword, store name or category is required for store search.
64 ERROR Items Per Page is a required field
65 ERROR PostFilter Limit exceeded. The maximum number of sellers or items in the postFilter can be no more than {0}.
66 ERROR The FirstPageSummary Output Selector is not supported by findBestMatchItemDetailsByProduct at this time
67 ERROR Required field {0} is missing
68 ERROR Input {0} in the request has exceeded limit
69 ERROR Value {0} is invalid
70 ERROR eBay site {0} does not support filtering search results by Top Rated Seller at this time.
71 ERROR Item filter {0} not supported for this service.
72 ERROR Profile not found.
73 WARNING Unfortunately, we only have room for around 100 characters, so we had to shorten your search.
74 ERROR The Best Match Item Details API is not available for {0}
75 ERROR Specified condition id {0} not supported in category {1}
76 ERROR Condition id disabled in category {0}
77 -- --
78 ERROR Include categories and exclude categories have same category ids.
79 ERROR Invalid Listing type specified when using the BestOfferOnly filter.
80 ERROR Include categories cannot be part of the Exclude category list.
81 ERROR Search name is required.
82 ERROR No favorite search record matched the search name.
83 ERROR Invalid user name in authentication.
84 ERROR Failed to save the search.
85 ERROR Failed to retrieve the search.
86 ERROR End time value cannot be in the future.
87 ERROR You have reached the maximum number of searches you can save.
88 ERROR Failed to remove the search.
89 ERROR Too many located in inputs in request. Maximum of {25} countries are allowed.
90 ERROR Invalid custom category ID.
91 ERROR Invalid region of origin ID.
92 ERROR Invalid trust provider ID.
93 ERROR Invalid social value ID.
94 ERROR Database is down.
95 ERROR Invalid search ID.
96 ERROR Search frequency is required.
97 ERROR The App/User is not authorized.
98 ERROR Failed to update search frequency.
99 ERROR Search id/name is required.
100 ERROR No favorite search records matched the search id/name.
101 WARNING Some search ids/names in request matched no records: {0}.
102 ERROR Start time value cannot be in the future.
103 ERROR We were unable to run the search you entered. Please try again in a few minutes.
104 WARNING Submitted category {0} has expired. Try again with new category {1}.
105 ERROR The App/User is not authorized.
106 ERROR Invalid site: {0}.
107 ERROR Invalid expedited shipping type: {0}.
108 ERROR Specified filter, {0}, is not currently available for the given site.
109 ERROR Filter {0} cannot both be repeated and have repeating values.
110 WARNING Field {0} is deprecated for the given site and has been dropped from the request.
111 -- --
112 -- --
113 -- --
114 -- --
115 ERROR Internal service error.
116 ERROR The image similarity search functionality is currently available only for items in the category of Clothings, Shoes and Accessories (CSA).
117 ERROR The image similarity search feature is disabled at this site.
118 ERROR BestMatch sorting is not supported for completed search.
119 -- --
120 ERROR Start time from value cannot be after start time to value.
121 WARNING Search using the wildcard symbol (*) is no longer supported.
122 ERROR Failed to save the follow for the search.
123 ERROR Failed to retrieve the follow.
124 ERROR Failed to remove the follow for the search.
125 ERROR Unsupported operation.
126 WARNING Failed to construct diagnostic information.
127 ERROR Search name is longer than 192 characters.
128 WARNING domainFilter constraint was ignored as domains are deprecated. Please use category instead.
Severity Description
1 ERROR Please specify valid amount.
2 ERROR Please specify a valid currency.
3 ERROR Please specify a valid country
4 ERROR Please specify a valid lenghtMeasurement Unit.
5 ERROR Please specify a valid lenghtMeasurement Unit.
6 ERROR Please specify a valid GLOBAL-ID
7 ERROR Please specify a valid categoryId.
8 ERROR Please specify a valid itemId.
9 ERROR Invalid CONSUMER-ID specified
10 ERROR Invalid input data specified. Please specify data with appropriate data types.
11 ERROR Please specify a valid trackingId
12 ERROR Please specify a valid networkId
13 ERROR Invalid ItemId.The Item does not exist or has ended more than two weeks ago
14 ERROR Invalid category id for field
15 ERROR IncludeCategoryId and ExcludeCategoryId cannot be used together
16 ERROR EndingBefore cannot be in the past
17 ERROR EndingBefore should be later than EndingAfter
18 ERROR MaxPrice should be more than 0.
19 ERROR Invalid listing type
20 ERROR Invalid category id for excludedCategoryId
21 ERROR Invalid category id for includedCategoryId
22 ERROR CurrencyId should match the currency of Global-Id passed
23 ERROR Invalid category ID specified for field CATEGORY
24 ERROR TIMESTAMP value cannot be in the past.
25 ERROR TIMESTAMP1 time must be before TIMESTAMP2 time.
26 ERROR Invalid Service ID
27 ERROR Create exception while inserting the record
28 ERROR Remove exception while removing the record
29 -- --
30 -- --
31 ERROR Invalid feature contingency Id
32 ERROR The keyword is too short. Please try a keyword of length 3 or more
33 ERROR Invalid keyword
34 ERROR Internal error
35 -- --