eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


A list of one or more valid names and corresponding values. Currently used to identify Item Specifics and individual variations within a multiple-variation listing.

Types that use NameValueListArrayType:

Calls that use NameValueListArrayType:


NameValueList ( NameValueListType ) [0..*]
For the AddItem family of calls: Contains the name and value(s) for an Item Specific. Only required when the ItemSpecifics container is specified.
For the AddFixedPriceItem family of calls: The same NameValueList schema is used for the ItemSpecifics node, the VariationSpecifics node, and the VariationSpecifcsSet node.

If the listing has variations, any name that you use in the VariationSpecifics and VariationSpecificsSet nodes can't be used in the ItemSpecifics node.
When you list with Item Variations:
  • Specify shared Item Specifics (e.g., Brand) in the ItemSpecifics node.
  • Specify up to five VariationSpecifics in each Variation node.
  • Specify all applicable names with all their supported values in the VariationSpecificSet node.
See the Variation sample in the AddFixedPriceItem call reference for examples.

For PlaceOffer: Required if the item being purchased includes Item Variations.

For AddToWatchList and RemoveFromWatchList: The ItemID value of the multiple-variation listing and the name-value pair to identify each variation in the listing are required.

Note: As of August 30, 2018, California will require sellers to display a Proposition 65 warning on online retail sites if products contain chemicals and/or substances that may impact the health of California buyers. This requirement is applicable to most eBay US categories, including eBay Motors, Motors Parts & Accessories, and catalog-enabled categories. The warning message can be customized by the seller, but should contain the following basic information:
  • The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning
  • Text stating that the product 'can expose you to' the chemical(s) in the product
  • The URL for OEHHA's new Proposition 65 warnings website, which is www.P65Warnings.ca.gov
Unlike standard item specifics that allow a maximum of 65 characters in the Value field, the matching value for the 'California Prop 65 Warning' item specific allows up to 800 characters of text. When a seller passes in this item specific, eBay will automatically insert a warning symbol icon for the listing.

See the Field Index to learn which calls use NameValueList.