eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

GetCategoryFeaturesRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Returns information about the features that are applicable to different categories, such as listing durations, shipping term requirements, and Best Offer support.

Call that uses GetCategoryFeaturesRequestType:


AllFeaturesForCategory ( boolean ) [0..1]
Use this switch to view all of the feature settings for a specific category. All feature settings are returned, regardless of the site default settings. This element works in conjunction with CategoryID--refer to the notes for that element for more details.

If you also set FeatureID, eBay returns the status of the specified features only, for the specified category.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AllFeaturesForCategory.

CategoryID ( string ) [0..1]
Specifies the category for which you want to retrieve the feature settings.

Specify a CategoryID, set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, and set ViewAllNodes to true to return the default site settings, the overrides for the specified category, plus all the child categories that have overrides on the features they inherit.

If you also set AllFeaturesForCategory to true, eBay returns the site defaults, plus all the settings for the specified category. Child category information is not returned in this case.

If CategoryID is not specified, eBay returns the feature settings for the site. To return details on all categories that have overrides on the properties they inherit, set DetailLevel to ReturnAll, and set ViewAllNodes to true. If you also set AllFeaturesForCategory to true, eBay returns only the site defaults with no child category information.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CategoryID.

FeatureID ( FeatureIDCodeType ) [0..*]
Use this field if you want to know if specific features are enabled at the site or root category level. Multiple FeatureID elements can be used in the request. If no FeatureID elements are used, the call retrieves data for all features, as applicable to the other request parameters.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FeatureID.

LevelLimit ( int ) [0..1]
This field is used if the user wants to control the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, or in other words, how many levels of eBay categories that are returned in the response. If this field is omitted, and no CategoryID is specified, eBay feature metadata for every eBay category from the root on down will be returned. If this field is omitted, but a CategoryID is specified, the specified category and all of its children (down to the leaf categories) are returned.

If the CategoryID field is not used, but the LevelLimit field is used and set to 1, eBay feature metadata is only returned for the top-level categories (also known as L1 categories).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LevelLimit.

ViewAllNodes ( boolean ) [0..1]
You must set DetailLevel to ReturnAll in order to correctly populate the response when you set ViewAllNodes to true. In this case, eBay returns the site defaults along with all the categories that override the feature settings they inherit. Here, each Category container shows only the features that it has overridden from its parent node.

If you also specify a CategoryID, eBay returns the details for that category, along with containers for each of its child categories that have feature overrides.

Note that if ViewAllNodes is set to false (the default) and DetailLevel is set to ReturnAll, eBay returns only the leaf categories that have features that override the settings they inherit. In this case, the call will not return leaf categories that do not have overrides.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ViewAllNodes.