eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

SimpleItemSortCodeType ( token )

This enumerated type defines the sort values that can be used in the FavoriteSearch.ItemSort filter in a GetMyeBayBuying request.

Type that uses SimpleItemSortCodeType:

Call that uses one or more values of SimpleItemSortCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
BestMatch Sorts items by Best Match, and no sort order applies. If specified, then Best Match sort also applies to CategoryHistogram.
BestMatchCategoryGroup Sorts by BestMatchCategoryGroup, so results are grouped by Best Match within a category.
BidCount Sorts by number of bids on the item, in ascending or descending order according to the SortOrder value.
Country Sorts by country; no sort order can be specified.
CurrentBid Sorts by current bid; descending order only.
CustomCode This value is reserved for future or internal use.
Distance Sorts by distance; ascending order only.
EndTime Sorts by the end time of the listing, in ascending or descending order according to the SortOrder value.
PricePlusShipping Sorts by total cost, which is item cost plus shipping cost. If SortOrder is included and set to 'Ascending', items are sorted in the following order: Lowest total cost (for items where shipping was properly specified); then freight-shipping items (lowest to highest); and finally, items for which shipping was not specified (lowest to highest).
StartDate Sorts by the start time of the listing; recently-listed first.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.