Various details about a listing. Some of the details are calculated or derived after an item is listed. The details in this type include the start and end time and the converted (localized) prices. The details in this type also include input values applicable to the Best Offer feature. Additional details in this type include flags indicating if a seller specified fields whose values are not visible to the requesting user.
Type that uses ListingDetailsType:
Calls that use ListingDetailsType:
AddFixedPriceItem, AddItem, AddItems, GetBestOffers, GetBidderList, GetItem, GetItemsAwaitingFeedback, GetItemTransactions, GetMemberMessages, GetMyeBayBuying, GetMyeBaySelling, GetSellerEvents, GetSellerList, GetSellerTransactions, RelistFixedPriceItem, RelistItem, ReviseFixedPriceItem, ReviseItem, VerifyAddFixedPriceItem, VerifyAddItem, VerifyRelistItem
, the item is listed in a Mature category. Users must accept the Mature Category agreement on the eBay site to retrieve items listed in Mature categories. (Users do not need to sign this agreement to be able to list items in Mature Categories.) Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
For this setting to have an effect, the Best Offer feature must be enabled for the listing, and only the seller who listed the item will see BestOfferAutoAcceptPrice in a call response.
For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer Auto-Accept and/or Best Offer Auto-Reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following:
, buyers and sellers are expected to follow through on the sale. If false, bids for the Real Estate auction are only expressions of interest. Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
Note: A 'Checkout Enabled' setting is no longer available to sellers, and this field is always returned as
. Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
Converted value of the BuyItNowPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedBuyItNowPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.
Converted value of the ReservePrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. Only returned for listings with a reserve price when the requesting user is the listing's seller. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Not applicable to fixed-price listings.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedReservePrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.
Converted value of the StartPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.
In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
Note: The ListingDetails.ConvertedStartPrice field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions, and GetMyeBaySelling (SoldList and DeletedFromSoldList) on January 31, 2024.
Note: The HasPublicMessages field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions, on January 31, 2024.
, the seller specified a value in ReservePrice. Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
There is a closed set of radius values that can be set in this field, and it depends on the seller's subscription level. The user can call GetCategoryFeatures, including
as a FeatureID value to retrieve the local listing distances supported by a given site, category, and Local Market subscription level.
In order for this setting to have an effect, Best Offer must be enabled for the listing, and this value will only be exposed to the seller who listed the item.
For Revise and Relist calls: If a seller wanted to disable the Best Offer auto-accept and/or Best Offer auto-reject feature when revising or relisting an item, the full path to one or both of these two corresponding fields would be provided in a DeletedField tag, like the following:
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.
If you are an eBay affiliate, use this URL to promote your affiliate information.
Note: This URL may include additional query parameters that don't appear in ViewItemURL and vice versa. You should not modify the query syntax. For example, eBay won't recognize the URL if you change QQ to ?. Note: This field will stop being returned in GetItemTransactions and GetSellerTransactions on January 31, 2024.