eBay Product Metadata APIVersion 1.3.0


Defines the characteristics of a property for a community catalog metadata.

Type that uses PropertyMetadata:

Call that uses PropertyMetadata:


alternatePropertyName ( string ) [0..*]
Value that may be used in place of the property name value (propertyMetadata.propertyName) when adding a product to an eBay catalog. Only returned when there are synonymous property names available.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use alternatePropertyName.

canonicalName ( string ) [1]
The official unique property name for use as a primary key for locally stored metadata. This value is not used for product creation. Use productMetadata.propertyName instead for adding a product to an eBay catalog.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use canonicalName.

dataType ( token ) [1]
The data type for the property value.
dataType values:
A string of characters. This data type typically applies to text-based property values, such as names, titles, and descriptions. All characters in the Unicode character set are supported.

Refer to typeSpecificInformation.stringTypeSpecificInformation for additional value constraints.
A number, which typically describes a product dimension, such as weight or memory capacity.

Refer to typeSpecificInformation.numericTypeSpecificInformation for additional value constraints.
Specifies a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource.

Refer to typeSpecificInformation.uriTypeSpecificInformation for additional value constraints.
Reserved for future use.

Refer to typeSpecificInformation.stringTypeSpecificInformation for additional value constraints.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use dataType.

description ( string ) [0..1]
Describes the given property.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use description.

multiValued ( boolean ) [1]
Indicates whether or not more than one value can be specified for a given property when adding a product to an eBay catalog. When true, multiple values can be specified for the given property.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use multiValued.

propertyName ( string ) [1]
this is label for the property that should be used for making products data.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use propertyName.

propertyTags ( Tag ) [0..*]
Name-value pairs that provide additional descriptive details about the property when needed. This information is not used for adding a product to an eBay catalog, but can provide clarification about an individual property. For example, propertyTags information could indicate that a specific property constitutes a unique product identifier.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use propertyTags.

typeSpecificInformation ( TypeSpecificInformation ) [1]
Container for any type-specific constraints for property values.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use typeSpecificInformation.