eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

VerifyRelistItemRequestType ( AbstractRequestType )

Enable the seller to verify that the data they plan to pass into a RelistItem call will produce the results that you are expecting, including a successful call with no errors.

Call that uses VerifyRelistItemRequestType:


DeletedField ( string ) [0..*]
Specifies the name of the field to delete from a listing. See the eBay Features Guide for rules on deleting values when relisting items. Also see the relevant field descriptions to determine when to use DeletedField (and potential consequences). The request can contain zero, one, or many instances of DeletedField (one for each field to be deleted).

Case-sensitivity must be taken into account when using a DeletedField tag to delete a field. The value passed into a DeletedField tag must either match the case of the schema element names in the full field path (Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL), or the initial letter of each schema element name in the full field path must be lowercase (item.pictureDetails.pictureURL). Do not change the case of letters in the middle of a field name. For example, item.picturedetails.pictureURL is not allowed.

To delete a listing enhancement like 'BoldTitle', specify the value you are deleting; for example, Item.ListingEnhancement[BoldTitle].
See the Field Index to learn which calls use DeletedField.

Item ( ItemType ) [0..1]
The Item container is used to configure the item that will be relisted. If the seller plans to relist the item with no changes, the only field under the Item container that is required is the ItemID field. In the ItemID field, the seller specifies the item that will be relisted. If the seller wishes to change anything else for the listing, the seller should include this field in the call request and give it a new value.

If the seller wants to delete one or more optional settings in the listing, the seller should use the DeletedField tag.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Item.