eBay Trading APIVersion 1395

ReturnStatusCodeType ( token )

Enumerated type that defines the possible states of an eBay return request.

Type that uses ReturnStatusCodeType:

Calls that use one or more values of ReturnStatusCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
Invalid This value indicates that the return request is invalid.
NotApplicable This value indicates that the return request is not applicable.
ReturnClosedEscalated This value indicates that a return request was closed after being escalated to an eBay return case.
ReturnClosedNoRefund This value indicates that a return request was closed with no refund issued to the buyer.
ReturnClosedWithRefund This value indicates that a return request was closed with a refund issued to the buyer.
ReturnDelivered This value indicates that the seller has received the item(s) that the buyer return shipped.
ReturnEscalated This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case.
ReturnEscalatedClosedNoRefund This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, but the case was closed with no refund issued to the buyer.
ReturnEscalatedClosedWithRefund This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, but the case was closed with a refund issued to the buyer.
ReturnEscalatedPendingBuyer This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from the buyer.
ReturnEscalatedPendingCS This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from eBay Customer Support.
ReturnEscalatedPendingSeller This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from the seller.
ReturnOpen This value indicates that a return request was successfully opened by the buyer.
ReturnRequestClosedNoRefund This value indicates that the return request was closed with no refund to the buyer.
ReturnRequestClosedWithRefund This value indicates that the return request was closed with a refund to the buyer.
ReturnRequestPending This value indicates that the return request is currently in the pending state.
ReturnRequestPendingApproval This value indicates that the return request has been initiated by the buyer and is pending approval by the seller.
ReturnRequestRejected This value indicates that the buyer's return request was rejected by the seller or other authorized party.
ReturnShipped This value indicates that the buyer has return shipped the item(s) in the return request back to the seller.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.