eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

GetSellerListResponseType ( AbstractResponseType )

This is the base response type of the GetSellerList call. The GetSellerList response includes an array of one or more listings that matched the input criteria, as well as pagination data.

Call that uses GetSellerListResponseType:


HasMoreItems ( boolean ) [0..1]
This field's value is returned as true if there are more pages in the current result set to view, or false if the current page being viewed is the last (or only) page of the result set.

If there are more listings to view in the result set, additional GetSellerList calls can be made but with changes to the Pagination values in the request. For example, if the Pagination.PageNumber value in the request for the last call was 1, you can make another GetSellerList call, keeping everything the same except changing the value of the Pagination.PageNumber field from 1 to 2.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use HasMoreItems.

ItemArray ( ItemArrayType ) [0..1]
This container is an array of one or more listings that match the input criteria. If none of the seller's listings match the input criteria, this container is returned as an empty tag.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemArray.

ItemsPerPage ( int ) [0..1]
This value reflects the value that was set in the Pagination.EntriesPerPage field in the request. This is the maximum number of listings that may be returned per page of the result set. Note that this value is only the maximum threshold and does not necessarily reflect the number of listings appearing on the current page of data.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ItemsPerPage.

PageNumber ( int ) [0..1]
This value indicates the current page of data in the result set that is being displayed. This value reflects the value specified in the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request. Note that page number defaults to 1 if the Pagination.PageNumber field was not included in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PageNumber.

PaginationResult ( PaginationResultType ) [0..1]
This container shows the total number or pages in the result set, as well as the total number of listings that match the current input criteria.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PaginationResult.

ReturnedItemCountActual ( int ) [0..1]
This value indicates the total number of listings being shown on the current page of the results set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ReturnedItemCountActual.

Seller ( UserType ) [0..1]
This container consists of detailed information about the seller and the seller's account. This container is only returned if the GranularityLevel field is included in the request and set to Fine.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Seller.