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This method returns item condition metadata on one, multiple, or all eBay categories on an eBay marketplace. This metadata consists of the different item conditions (with IDs) that an eBay category supports, and a boolean to indicate if an eBay category requires an item condition.

If applicable, this metadata also shows the different condition descriptors (with IDs) that an eBay category supports.

Note: Currently, condition grading is only applicable to the following trading card categories:

  • Non-Sport Trading Card Singles
  • CCG Individual Cards
  • Sports Trading Cards Singles

The identifier of the eBay marketplace is passed in as a path parameter, and unless one or more eBay category IDs are passed in through the filter query parameter, this method will return metadata on every single category for the specified marketplace. If you only want to view item condition metadata for one eBay category or a select group of eBay categories, you can pass in up to 50 eBay category ID through the filter query parameter.

Important: Certified - Refurbished-eligible sellers, and sellers who are eligible to list with the new values (EXCELLENT_REFURBISHED, VERY_GOOD_REFURBISHED, and GOOD_REFURBISHED) must use an OAuth token created with the authorization code grant flow and scope in order to retrieve the refurbished conditions for the relevant categories.

See the eBay Refurbished Program - Category and marketplace support topic for the categories and marketplaces that support these refurbished conditions

These restricted item conditions will not be returned if an OAuth token created with the client credentials grant flow and scope is used, or if any seller is not eligible to list with that item condition.

See the Specifying OAuth scopes topic for more information about specifying scopes.

Tip: This method can potentially return a very large response payload. eBay recommends that the response payload be compressed by passing in the Accept-Encoding request header and setting the value to gzip.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

marketplace_idstringThis path parameter specifies the eBay marketplace for which policy information is retrieved.

See HTTP Request Headers for a list of supported eBay marketplace ID values.

Occurrence: Required

filterstringThis query parameter limits the response by returning policy information for only the selected sections of the category tree. Supply categoryId values for the sections of the tree you want returned.

When you specify a categoryId value, the returned category tree includes the policies for that parent node, plus the policies for any leaf nodes below that parent node.

The parameter takes a list of categoryId values and you can specify up to 50 separate category IDs. Separate multiple values with a pipe character ('|'). If you specify more than 50 categoryId values, eBay returns the policies for the first 50 IDs and a warning that not all categories were returned.

Example: filter=categoryIds:{100|101|102}

Note that you must URL-encode the parameter list, which results in the following filter for the above example:


Occurrence: Optional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

Accept-EncodingstringThis header indicates the compression-encoding algorithms the client accepts for the response. This value should be set to gzip.

For more information, refer to HTTP request headers.

Occurrence: Strongly Recommended

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with either authorization code grant flow or client credentials grant flow. Please refer to the note below for more details.

The access token must be created using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

IMPORTANT: An OAuth token created with the client credentials grant flow and scope is generally used for this method. However, Certified Refurbished-eligible sellers must use an OAuth token created with the authorization code grant flow and scope in order to retrieve the 'Certified Refurbished' condition (condition ID 2000) for the relevant categories.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* ItemConditionPolicyResponse */ }

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription
itemConditionPoliciesarray of ItemConditionPolicy

A list of category IDs and the policies for how to indicate an item's condition in each of the listed categories.

Occurrence: Always


The category ID to which the item-condition policy applies.

Occurrence: Always


A value that indicates the root node of the category tree used for the response set. Each marketplace is based on a category tree whose root node is indicated by this unique category ID value. All category policy information returned by this call pertains to the categories included below this root node of the tree.

A category tree is a hierarchical framework of eBay categories that begins at the root node of the tree and extends to include all the child nodes in the tree. Each child node in the tree is an eBay category that is represented by a unique categoryId value. Within a category tree, the root node has no parent node and leaf nodes are nodes that have no child nodes.

Occurrence: Always


This flag denotes whether or not you must list the item condition in a listing for the specified category. If set to true, you must specify an item condition for the associated category.

Occurrence: Always

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditionsarray of ItemCondition

The item-condition values allowed in the category.

Note: The �Seller Refurbished� item condition (condition ID 2500) has been replaced by the 'Excellent - Refurbished', 'Very Good - Refurbished', and 'Good - Refurbished' item conditions in a select number of eBay marketplaces and categories. See the eBay Refurbished Program - Category and marketplace support topic for more details.

Similar to the �Certified Refurbished� item condition (condition ID 2000), a seller�s OAuth user token will have to be used instead of an OAuth application token, since each seller must go through an application and qualification process before using any of these new refurbished item conditions in supported categories. If a seller is not qualified to use the new refurbished item conditions, these item condition values will not be returned by getItemConditionPolicies.

Occurrence: Always


The human-readable label for the condition (e.g., "New"). This value is typically localized for each site.

Note that the display name can vary by category. For example, the description for condition ID 1000 could be called "New: with Tags" in one category and "Brand New" in another. For details on condition IDs and descriptions, see Item condition ID and name values.

Occurrence: Always

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptorsarray of ItemConditionDescriptor

This array contains the possible condition descriptors and condition descriptor values applicable for the specified category. It also returns usage requirements, maximum length, cardinality, and help text.

Note: This array is only returned for categories that support condition descriptors.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container shows the constraints on a condition descriptor, such as the maximum length, default condition descriptor value ID, cardinality, mode, usage, and applicable descriptor IDs.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptors.conditionDescriptorConstraint.applicableToConditionDescriptorIdsarray of string

This array is returned if the corresponding condition descriptor requires that one or more other associated condition descriptors must also be specified in a listing. The condition descriptor IDs for the associated condition descriptors are returned here.

For example, the Grade and Grader condition descriptors must always be specified together in a listing for Graded cards.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value returned in this field indicates whether a condition descriptor can have a single value or multiple values.

Occurrence: Conditional


The default condition descriptor value that will be set if there are multiple values.

Occurrence: Conditional


The maximum characters allowed for a condition descriptor. This field is only returned/applicable for condition descriptors that allow free text for condition descriptor values.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value returned in this field indicates whether the supported values for a condition descriptor are predefined or if the seller manually specified the value.

Note: FREE_TEXT is currently only applicable to the Certification Number condition descriptor.

Occurrence: Conditional


This value indicates whether or not the condition descriptor is required for the item condition. Currently, this field is only returned if the condition descriptor is required for the item condition.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the condition descriptor that directs a user to its condition descriptor values.

For example, the help text for Card Condition is Select ungraded condition.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identification number of a condition descriptor associated with with a conditionDescriptorName.

For example, 40001 is the ID for Card Condition.

These IDs are used in the addItem family of calls of the Trading API to provide condition descriptor names for the item. These IDs are used by the inventoryItem family of calls of the Inventory API to provide condition descriptor names for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The human-readable label for the condition descriptor associated with the conditionDescriptorID.

For example, Card Condition is the condition descriptor name for ID 40001

Occurrence: Conditional

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptors.conditionDescriptorValuesarray of ItemConditionDescriptorValue

This array shows the possible values that map to the corresponding conditionDescriptorName values. Constraint information and help text are also shown for each value.

For example, The ID 40001 is ID for the condition descriptor card condition. The ID 400012 is the ID for the Very Good card condition value.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptors.conditionDescriptorValues.conditionDescriptorValueAdditionalHelpTextarray of string

Additional information about the the condition of the item that is not included in the conditionDescriptorValueHelpText field.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptors.conditionDescriptorValues.conditionDescriptorValueConstraintsarray of ItemConditionDescriptorValueConstraint

The constraints on a condition descriptor value, such as which descriptor value IDs and Descriptor ID it is associated with.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string is returned if the corresponding condition descriptor value requires an associated condition descriptor that must also be specified in a listing. The condition descriptor ID for the associated condition descriptors is returned here.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemConditionPolicies.itemConditions.conditionDescriptors.conditionDescriptorValues.conditionDescriptorValueConstraints.applicableToConditionDescriptorValueIdsarray of string

This array is returned if the corresponding condition descriptor value is required for one or more associated condition descriptor values that must also be specified in a listing. The condition descriptor values IDs for the associated condition descriptor values are returned here.

Occurrence: Conditional


A detailed description of the condition descriptor value.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identification number of a condition descriptor value associated with the conditionDescriptorValueName.

Occurrence: Conditional


The human-readable label for the condition descriptor value associated with the conditionDescriptorValueID.

Occurrence: Conditional


A detailed description of the condition denoted by the conditionID and conditionDescription.

Occurrence: Conditional


The ID value of the selected item condition. For information on the supported condition ID values, see Item condition ID and name values.

Occurrence: Always


The value returned in this field indicates if there are any usage restrictions or requirements for the corresponding item condition in the corresponding category.

Note: Currently, the only supported value is 'RESTRICTED', and this field will only be returned for the following conditions: 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030. Sellers must be pre-approved to use any of these item conditions.

Occurrence: Conditional

warningsarray of ErrorDetailV3

A list of the warnings that were generated as a result of the request. This field is not returned if no warnings were generated by the request.

Occurrence: Conditional


The category type for this error or warning. It takes an ErrorCategory object which can have one of three values:

  • Application: Indicates an exception or error occurred in the application code or at runtime. Examples include catching an exception in a service's business logic, system failures, or request errors from a dependency.
  • Business: Used when your service or a dependent service refused to continue processing on the resource because of a business rule violation such as "Seller does not ship item to Antarctica" or "Buyer ineligible to purchase an alcoholic item". Business errors are not syntactical input errors.
  • Request: Used when there is anything wrong with the request, such as authentication, syntactical errors, rate limiting or missing headers, bad HTTP header values, and so on.

Occurrence: Conditional


Name of the domain containing the service or application.

Occurrence: Conditional


A positive integer that uniquely identifies the specific error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

Occurrence: Conditional

warnings.inputRefIdsarray of string

Identifies specific request elements associated with the error, if any. inputRefId's response is format specific. For JSON, use JSONPath notation.

Occurrence: Conditional


An expanded version of message that should be around 100-200 characters long, but is not required to be such.

Occurrence: Conditional


An end user and app developer friendly device agnostic message. It explains what the error or warning is, and how to fix it (in a general sense). Its value is at most 50 characters long. If applicable, the value is localized in the end user's requested locale.

Occurrence: Conditional

warnings.outputRefIdsarray of string

Identifies specific response elements associated with the error, if any. Path format is the same as inputRefId.

Occurrence: Conditional

warnings.parametersarray of ErrorParameterV3

This optional complex field type contains a list of one or more context-specific ErrorParameter objects, with each item in the list entry being a parameter (or input field name) that caused an error condition. Each ErrorParameter object consists of two fields, a name and a value.

Occurrence: Conditional


Name of the entity that threw the error.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the error.

Occurrence: Conditional


Name of the domain's subsystem or subdivision. For example, checkout is a subdomain in the buying domain.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

204No content
400Bad Request
404Not found
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

46000API_METADATAAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
46001API_METADATAREQUESTThe specified marketplace ID was not found.


For more on warnings, plus the codes of other common warnings, see Handling errors.

46002API_METADATAREQUESTThe filter value is invalid. Sample supported values: filter=categoryIds:{catId1|catId2|catId3}.
46003API_METADATAREQUESTThe specified categoryId was not found for the marketplace.
46004API_METADATAREQUESTOnly 50 Category IDs specified in the filter are considered.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Get the eBay category policies regarding item conditions

This example retrieves the policies for two specific categories, 90638 and 181923.

This method returns a list of leaf categories from the category tree of the specified marketplace. Each node in the response shows the policies that govern how to list item condition in each of the returned categories.


This method does not use a request payload.

By default, this method returns the leaf nodes of the entire category tree for the specified marketplace. When you retrieve the entire tree, be sure to get the result as a GZIP file (see the top of the call page for syntax). To limit the response, specify up to 50 category IDs using the filter query parameter.

Note that you must URL-encode the category ID filter parameter value. This example uses the parameter: filter=categoryIds:{181923|90638}.

Additionally, this example uses an OAuth token created with the client credentials grant flow; however, Certified Refurbished-eligible sellers must use an OAuth token created with the authorization code grant flow in order to retrieve the Certified Refurbished condition (condition ID 2000) for the relevant categories.



If the call is successful, the response body contains the policies for specifying item conditions for items listed in the categories specified in the request.

Sample 2: Get the eBay category policies regarding item conditions with condition descriptors

This examples retrieves the policies, along with the condition descriptors, for a specified eBay category, in this case 183050.

This method returns a list of leaf categories from the category tree of the specified marketplace. Each node in the response shows the policies that govern how to list item condition the returned categories using condition descriptors.

Note that condition descriptors are only returned for the following supported categories:

  • Non-Sport Trading Card Singles
  • CCG Individual Card
  • Sports Trading Card Singles


This method does not use a request payload.

By default, this method returns the leaf nodes for the entire category tree for the specified marketplace. When you retrieve the entire tree, be sure to get the result as a GZIP file (see the top of the call page for syntax). To limit the response, specify up to 50 category IDs using the filter query parameter.

Note that you must URL-encode the category ID filter parameter value. This example uses the parameter: filter=categoryIds:{183050}.



If the call is successful, the response body contains the policies for specifying item conditions using condition descriptors for items listed in the category specified in the request.