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Use this method to retrieve a seller's performance and rating for the customer service metric.

Control the response from the getCustomerServiceMetric method using the following path and query parameters:

  • customer_service_metric_type controls the type of customer service transactions evaluated for the metric rating.
  • evaluation_type controls the period you want to review.
  • evaluation_marketplace_id specifies the target marketplace for the evaluation.
Currently, metric data is returned for only peer benchmarking. For details on the workings of peer benchmarking, see Service metrics policy.

For details on using and understanding the response from this method, see Interpreting customer service metric ratings.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

customer_service_metric_typeCustomerServiceMetricTypeEnumUse this path parameter to specify the type of customer service metrics and benchmark data you want returned for the seller. Supported types are:

Occurrence: Required

evaluation_typeEvaluationTypeEnumUse this path parameter to specify the evaluation period to use for the performance metrics. See EvaluationTypeEnum for more information on the supported values.

Occurrence: Required

evaluation_marketplace_idMarketplaceIdEnumUse this query parameter to specify the Marketplace ID to evaluate for the customer service metrics and benchmark data.

For the list of supported marketplaces, see Analytics API requirements and restrictions.

Occurrence: Required

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

All other standard RESTful request headers are optional. For more information on standard RESTful request headers, see the HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page table.

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription
dimensionMetricsarray of DimensionMetric

This container provides a seller's customer service metric performance for a given dimension.

In the getCustomerServiceMetric request, specify values for the following request parameters to control the returned dimension and the associated metric values:

  • customer_service_metric_type
  • evaluation_type
  • evaluation_marketplace_id

Occurrence: Conditional


This type defines the "dimension," or attributes, against which the associated customer service metric values and benchmark ratings are based.

The dimensionKey value is set according to the customer_service_metric_type request parameter and the values in the associated name/value pairs relate to the dimensionKey that's being used to calculate the benchmark rating.

Occurrence: Always


dimensionKey defines the basis against which the seller's customer service metric is measured.

The value of this field gets set according to the value of the customer_service_metric_type input parameter. The following input configurations return the responses shown:

  • ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED – Returns benchmark ratings based on L1 listing categories, so the result shows metrics where the dimensionKey is set to LISTING_CATEGORY.
  • ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED – Returns benchmark ratings based on world shipping regions, so the result shows metrics where the dimensionKey is set to SHIPPING_REGION.

    The shipping region is indicated by the associated value field. For specifics on world shipping regions, see the FAQ section on the following page: Monitor your service metrics

Occurrence: Always


The dimension name returned in this field depends on the dimensionKey:

  • If dimensionKey is set to SHIPPING_REGION, this field is set to one of following values, which represent established shipping corridors:
    • Domestic
    • International: Mature region
    • International: Emerging region
  • If dimensionKey is set to LISTING_CATEGORY, this field is set to the name of the primary (L1) category in which the items being rated were listed.

Occurrence: Always


The value returned in this field depends on the dimensionKey.

If dimensionKey equals LISTING_CATEGORY, the value returned in this field is the category ID of the primary (L1) category in which the items being rated were listed.

If dimensionKey equals SHIPPING_REGION, one of the following values is returned:


Occurrence: Always

dimensionMetrics.metricsarray of Metric

This is a list of Metric elements where each element contains data and information related to the transactions grouped by the associated dimension.

Occurrence: Always


This complex type defines a set of benchmark data, which includes the average rating for the group included in the benchmark evaluation and the seller's calculated customer service metric rating for the benchmark.

This container is returned only if the associated metricKey value is RATE.

Occurrence: Always


If this field is present, it indicates that the rating given to the seller was "adjusted" for one reason or another.

If eBay determines that the normal rating of a seller is impacted by circumstances beyond their control, they can issue an override to adjust the rating given to the seller.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field returns the "basis" by which the benchmark is calculated for the customer service metric type.

Currently, the only supported basis is PEER_BENCHMARK.

Occurrence: Always


This field contains the benchmark data.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field returns the average value for the group, as defined by the specified basis.

When the benchmark basis is set to PEER_BENCHMARK, the value returned in this field is the benchmark value to which the seller's metric value is compared to determine the seller's rating for the customer service metric.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field returns seller's rating for the customer service metric.

The rating is set to a value that equals the relative deviation between the seller's metric value and the benchmark value for the customer service metric.

Deviation values range from LOW to VERY HIGH, and the lower the deviation, the better the seller rating.

Occurrence: Always

dimensionMetrics.metrics.distributionsarray of MetricDistribution

Returned when metricKey equals COUNT, this field returns an array of seller data where each set of data is grouped according by an overarching basis.

When the seller distribution is returned, the numeric value of the associated value container equals the sum of the transactions where the seller meets the criteria of the customer service metric type for the given dimension during the evaluationCycle.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field returns the basis, or the method, by which the metric rating is calculated.

Occurrence: Conditional

dimensionMetrics.metrics.distributions.dataarray of Distribution

This field returns a list of name/value pairs, where the name indicates the distribution being rated and the value indicates the count of seller transactions that meet the distribution criteria.

Occurrence: Conditional

The name of a distribution in which the seller is active.

Occurrence: Conditional

This field contains the number of transactions the seller had in the distribution (identified by the associated name field) during the metric evaluationCycle.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field indicates the customer service metric being returned in the associated metrics container. The field is set as follows:

  • TRANSACTION_COUNT – When set to this value, the associated value field returns the number of transactions completed in the peer group for the metric being evaluated in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.
  • COUNT – When set to this value, the associated value field is set to the number of transactions completed by the seller for the metric being evaluated in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.
  • RATE – When set to this value, the fields in the associated container return the seller's calculated value for the associated customer service metric along with the benchmark data against which the seller is evaluated.

    Specifically, when metricKey is set to RATE, the associated value field is set to the value of metricKey TRANSACTION_COUNT divided by the value of metricKey COUNT.

    The benchmark.rating value is the seller's rating for the metric in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.

Occurrence: Always


This field is set to the seller's numeric rating for the associated metricKey for the given dimension during the evaluationCycle.

To determine the seller's rating for this metric, the value of this field is compared to the average metric value of the group.

Occurrence: Always


This complex type defines the evaluation type (CURRENT or PROJECTED) and the transaction lookback period used to calculate the seller's customer service metric.

Occurrence: Always


End date and time of the transaction lookback range. All timestamps are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST).

The timestamp is formatted as an ISO 8601 string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock.

Occurrence: Always


The ISO-8601 date and time at which the seller was evaluated for this customer service metric rating.

Occurrence: Always


This field specifies the transaction lookback period used for the evaluation.

The evaluation_type value specified in the request is returned in this field. There are two possible values:

  • CURRENT – A monthly evaluation that occurs on the 20th of every month.
  • PROJECTED – A daily evaluation that provides a projection of how the seller is currently performing with regards to the upcoming evaluation period.

Occurrence: Always


The start date and time of the transaction lookback range. All timestamps are based on Mountain Standard Time (MST).

The timestamp is formatted as an ISO 8601 string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock.

Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[sss]Z
Example: 2018-08-04T07:09:00.000Z

Occurrence: Always


The eBay marketplace ID of the marketplace upon which the customer service metric evaluation is based.

The customer_service_metric resource supports a limited set of marketplaces. For a complete list of the supported marketplaces, please see the Service metrics policy page.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
404Resource not found. Invalid path parameters.
409Business error
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

54000API_ANALYTICSAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
54200API_ANALYTICSBUSINESSThe specified customer service metric is not available for the provided evaluation type and marketplace. Possible error causes are (1) Customer Service Metric values are not returned if the Seller does not have a valid transaction on the specified marketplace during the past 12 months or (2) sellers can retrieve CURRENT values only after they have been active on the specified marketplace for a complete benchmarking period.
54400API_ANALYTICSREQUESTThe specified customer service metric type is not a valid type. Valid metric types are ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED or ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED.
54401API_ANALYTICSREQUESTThe specified marketplace ID is not a supported marketplace. For a complete list of the supported marketplace IDs, see the documentation.
54402API_ANALYTICSREQUESTThe specified evaluation type is not a valid type. Valid evaluation types are CURRENT or PROJECTED.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Customer service metric: Item Not As Described

This example shows the CURRENT customer service metrics for Item not as described transactions.

For details on using and understanding the response from getCustomerServiceMetric, see Interpreting customer service metric ratings.


This method does not use a request payload, but configures an INAD request with the following URI parameters:

  • Set customer_service_metric_type to ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED.
  • Set evaluation_type to CURRENT.
  • Set evaluation_marketplace_id to EBAY_GB.



When successful, the call returns a response similar to this example sample shown.

Because the request sets the customer_service_metric_type URI parameter to ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED, the dimension elements in the response have metricKey set to LISTING_CATEGORY.

The example below shows the different types of dimension elements you can expect to receive in an INAD set of metrics.

Sample 2: Customer service metric: Item Not Received

This example shows the PROJECTED customer service metrics for Item not received transactions.


There is no request payload for this call. Instead, this example configures the INR request using these URI parameters:

  • Set customer_service_metric_type to ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED.
  • Set evaluation_type to PROJECTED.
  • Set evaluation_marketplace_id to EBAY_GB.



When successful, the call returns a response payload similar to the sample shown.

Because customer_service_metric_type is set to ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED, the dimension elements in the response have metricKey set to SHIPPING_REGION.

The response returns metrics for the three shipping corridors.

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