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An enumerated type that defines the condition of a discount.

Types that use RuleTemplateNameEnum

Not used by any types.

Calls that use RuleTemplateNameEnum

Not used by any calls.


Indicates that the buyer will receive a dollar value discount on their order when they buy an item.

The dollar value discount is shown in the corresponding amountOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that the buyer will receive a percentage value discount on their order when they buy an item.

The percentage value discount is shown in the corresponding percentageOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that for every N items purchased, the buyer will receive a dollar value discount on their the order.

The number of items that must be purchased is shown in the corresponding minQuantity field, and the dollar value discount is shown in the corresponding amountOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that for every N items purchased, the buyer will receive a percentage value discount on their order.

The number of items that must be purchased is shown in the corresponding minQuantity field, and the percentage value discount is shown in the corresponding percentageOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that for each item purchased, the buyer will receive a dollar value discount on their order.

The dollar value discount for each item purchased is shown in the corresponding amountOffItemValue field.
Indicates that for every N items purchased, the buyer will receive a dollar value discount on their order.

The number of items that must be purchased is shown in the corresponding forEachQuantity field, and the dollar value discount is shown in the corresponding amountOffItemValue field.
Indicates that for every N items purchased, the buyer will receive a percentage value discount on M items.

The number of items that must be purchased is shown in the corresponding forEachQuantity field, the number of items being discounted is shown in the corresponding numberOfDiscountedItems field, and the percentage value discount for these items is shown in the percentageOffItemValue field.
Indicates that for every N items purchased, the buyer will receive M items free.

The number of items that must be purchased is shown in the corresponding forEachQuantity field, and the number of items being received for free is shown in the corresponding numberOfDiscountedItems field.
Indicates that if a buyer spends X amount, they will receive a dollar value discount on their order.

The required amount to spend is shown in the corresponding minAmountValue field, and the dollar value discount is shown in the corresponding amountOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that if a buyer spends X amount, they will receive a percentage value discount on their order.

The required amount to spend is shown in the corresponding minAmountValue field, and the percentage value discount is shown in the corresponding percentageOffOrderValue field.
Indicates that the buyer will receive a dollar value discount on their order for every X dollar amount they spend.

The dollar value that must be spent is shown in the corresponding forEachAmountValue field, and the dollar value discount is shown in the corresponding amountOffItemValue field.
Indicates that the buyer will receive a percentage value discount on their order for every X dollar amount they spend.

The dollar value that must be spent is shown in the corresponding forEachAmountValue field, and the percentage value discount is shown in the corresponding percentageOffItemValue field.

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