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How can I remove / modify PaymentMethods and the ShipToLocations for a listed item?
To drop the PaymentMethods, you need to send in the PaymentMethods that you wish to retain in the ReviseItem call. The methods that are not listed in the ReviseItem call, will be dropped. Similarly, for ShipToLocations, if you send in just the ones that you want to retain in the ReviseItem call, the locations not listed will be dropped.
Detailed Description
Lets walk through an example to see how we can remove some PaymentMethods and ShipToLocations for an Item. Lets say we list an item with the following AddItem call:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Description>test to remove ShipToLocation and PaymentMethods</Description>
<Location>San Jose, CA</Location>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">10.0</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">10.0</ShippingServiceCost>
<StartPrice currencyID="USD">1.0</StartPrice>
<Title>test to remove ShipToLocation and PaymentMethods</Title>
With this we have the following Payment methods accepted:
- PayPal
- Personal check
- Money order/Cashiers check
And the following Shipping locations:
- United States
- Canada
- Mexico
- United Kingdom
- Germany
Note: We have specified only GB in the international shipping service container.
Now lets say we want to remove Personal Check and Mexico from our listing.
We do that by sending in the following ReviseItem request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ReviseItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
You will see that it has dropped the payment method personal check and ship to location of Mexico.
Even though we have not mentioned GB in the ReviseItem call, it is picked up implicitly because we have it specified in our international shipping service option. If you need to drop all the other ShipToLocations, then you can specify the ShipToLocations as GB. If you want to drop GB, then you will need to follow the recommendation of this Knowledge Base article:
How do I remove or modify only my InternationalShippingServiceOption(s), but not my "domestic" shipping services?
Version Info
The example above was based on the versions specified below:
API Schema Version | 1123 |
Additional Resources
- Documentation: ReviseItem