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This topic provides definitions for the fields in the location feed.

Sample feed files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV feed file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML feed file.

Field name


CSV: Location ID

XML: location.locationID

Required. The identifier for the store.

Type: string

Max length: 36 characters

CSV: Name


Required. The store's name.

Type: string

Max length: 128 characters

CSV: Address 1

XML: location.address1

Required for store locations; optional but recommended for other locations: The street address of the location.

Type: string

Max length: 128 characters

CSV: Address 2

XML: location.address2

Optional. The second line of the street address, if needed. This second line might include suite number.

Type: string

Max length: 128 characters

CSV: City


Required for store locations. The city where the store is located.

Type: string

Max length: 128 characters

CSV: Region

XML: location.region

Required for store locations. The state or region where the store is located, typically a two-character abbreviation for a state or province.

Type: string

Max length: 128 characters

CSV: Postal Code

XML: location.postalCode

Required for store locations. The postal code where the store is located.

Type: string

Max length: 16 characters

CSV: Country


Required. The country where the store is located.

The value must be ISO 3166 three-digit codes. See:

Type: string

Max length: 3 characters

CSV: Latitude

XML: location.latitude

Optional. The geographical latitude of the store. Always used together with longitude.

Type: decimal

Max length: 10 digits

CSV: Longitude

XML: location.longitude

Optional. The geographical longitude of the store. Always used together with latitude.

Type: decimal

Max length: 10 digits

CSV: Hours

location.hours and its child nodes


Optional. The store hours per day. "1" is Monday, "2" is Tuesday, and so on.

A 4096-character max string. The data must be in JSON format.

CSV example

Convert XML to CSV style JSON

    "1" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"12:00:00"}, {"Open":"13:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "2" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "3" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "4" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "5" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "6" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}],
    "7" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"22:30:00"}]


XML example





XML: integer, time

Special Hours

location.specialHours and its child nodes

Optional. Special hours in addition to regular hours noted above.

A 4000-character max string. The data must be in JSON format.

CSV example

Convert XML to CSV style JSON

    "2014-11-24" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"11:30:00"}, {"Open":"13:30:00", "Close":"17:30:00"}], 
    "2014-11-25" : [{"Open":"09:00:00", "Close":"11:30:00"}, {"Open":"13:30:00", "Close":"17:30:00"}]

XML example



XML: date, time

CSV: UTC Offset

XML: location.utcOffset

Conditionally required, if hours or special hours are set. The time zone difference from GMT.

For example: -05:00

Type: string

Max length: 8 characters

CSV: Phone


Optional, but recommended. The phone number of the store. Applies to store locations only.

Type: string

Max length: 32 characters

CSV: url

XML: location.url

Optional, but recommended. The URL of the store's website. Applies to store locations only.

Type: string

Pickup Instructions


Special instructions for picking up the item.

For example: Go to Customer Service desk, not the checkout register.

Type: string

Max length: 2048 characters

CSV: Status

XML: location.status

Enables or disables a store location.

A string with these valid values:

  • ENABLE (default)


If omitted, this field is set to its default value (ENABLED). To disable a location, the seller can set this value to DISABLE. This disables an active location. This can be useful when creating a new location but do not want it initially enabled.

Type: string

Fulfillment Capability


The location where the product can be picked up or delivered. A string with these valid values:


Important! If you use PICKUP_IN_STORE, you must also set pickupInStoreEligible in the distribution feed. See Distribution feed definitions

The data must be in JSON format.

CSV example

Convert to CSV style JSON

XML example


Type: string


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