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This topic provides definitions for the fields in the distribution feed.

The distribution feed is a subset of the product feed.

Important! When using Product combined feeds, always include the product feed that contains the product information. Do not submit Product combined feeds with distribution and/or availability information only. This may erase all previously submitted product information. See Using product combined feeds for more information.

Sample feed files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV feed file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML feed file.

Field name



XML: distribution.SKU

Required. The product's Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). The SKU must be:

  • Unique across your entire inventory

  • Up to a 50-character string (maximum)

Type: string

Max length: 50 characters

CSV: Channel ID

XML: channelDetails.channelID

Required if you sell on multiple channels and need to specify one; optional otherwise:

The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace/sales channel where the SKU is/will be listed. Values include EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

For additional reference information, see eBay Site ID to Global ID Mapping.

You can list the same item/SKU on multiple eBay sites / channels by copying the item to another line in the feed file and changing the channelID. For example:

SKU      ChannelID

Type: string

CSV: Category

XML: channelDetails.category

Required. The unique identification number of the eBay category in which you are listing the item.

Note: When listing in category ID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software.

Type: integer

CSV: Secondary Category

XML: channelDetails.secondaryCategory


Optional. The unique identification number of a second eBay category in which you want to list the item.

A fee may be charged when adding a secondary category to a listing.

To delete a created secondary category, pass “0” as value.

Note: When listing in category ID 173651 (Auto Performance Tuning Devices & Software), use of catalog products is required. For more information, see Tuning devices and software.

Type: integer

CSV: Shipping Policy

XML: channelDetails.shippingPolicyName

Optional. If no policy is specified, MIP will default to the seller's last used policy. The unique identifier of the shipping business policy to apply. This is the shipping policy name, not the business policy ID.

Business policy IDs can be obtained on the business policies page of My eBay.

Type: string

CSV: Payment Policy

XML: channelDetails.paymentPolicyName

Optional. If no policy is specified, MIP will default to the seller's last used policy. The unique identifier of a payment business policy. This is the payment policy name, not the business policy ID.

Business policy IDs can be obtained on the business policies page of My eBay.

Type: string

CSV: Return Policy

XML: channelDetails.returnPolicyName

Optional. If no policy is specified, MIP will default to the seller's last used policy. The unique identifier of a return business policy. This is the return policy name, not the business policy ID.

Business policy IDs can be obtained on the business policies page of My eBay.

Type: string

CSV: Best Offer Enabled


Optional. Indicates whether you will accept best offers from buyers for this SKU. If not specified, MIP will default to false.

Note: Once a bid has been made on an auction listing, any current offers and counteroffers will be decline automatically, and buyers will not be able to make any additional offers on the listing.

Note: Best Offer is not available for multi-variation listings.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

BO Auto Accept Price


Optional. The price at which Best Offers are automatically accepted. Set bestOfferEnabled to true to use this field.

BO Auto Decline Price


Optional. The minimum acceptable Best Offer price. If a buyer submits a Best Offer that is below this value, the offer is automatically declined. Set bestOfferEnabled to true to use this field.

CSV: List Price

XML: pricingDetails.listPrice

Conditional. The list price of a fixed-priced item.

For auction listings, this field sets the Buy It Now price if this feature is enabled for the listing.

Note: If Buy It Now is not enabled, this field should not be used for auction listings. The starting price for auction listings is set through the auctionStartPrice field.

Type: decimal

CSV: Auction Reserve Price

XML: pricingDetails.auctionReservePrice

Optional. The lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell an item through an auction listing. If no bid meets or exceeds this value, the auction will end without a winning bidder.

Note: Setting an auctionReservePrice will incur a listing fee of $5 or 7.5% of the Reserve Price, whichever is greater. This fee is charged regardless of whether the item is sold or not. For more details about this fee, see Selling Fees.

Type: string

CSV: Auction Start Price

XML: pricingDetails.auctionStartPrice

Conditional. The minimum bidding price for the auction. Bidding starts at this price. This field is required for auction listings.

Note: If the auctionReservePrice is also specified, the value of auctionStartPrice must be lower than the value of auctionReservePrice.

Type: string

CSV: Listing Duration

XML: channelDetails.listingDuration

Conditional. The number of days an auction listing will be active. The end time for a listing is calculated by adding the listingDuration to the item's start time. This field is required for auction listings.

If a listing's duration is changed, any related fees may be debited or credited if applicable.

See Listing duration enumerated values for a full list of supported values.

Type: string

CSV: Listing Start Date

XML: channelDetails.listingStartDate

Optional. The date and time a listing will become active on eBay.

The timestamp supplied in this field should be in UTC format and should be far enough in the future so that the seller will have time to supply all required entities for listing creation.

Type: string

CSV: Format

XML: channelDetails.listingFormat

Conditional. The listing format of the offer. The only supported value is AUCTION. This field is required for auction listings.

Type: string

Max Quantity Per Buyer


Optional. The maximum quantity of a product that one buyer can purchase in a 10-day period.

Type: integer

CSV: Strike Through Price

XML: pricingDetails.strikeThroughPrice

Optional. The original price of the product before the product was discounted. The new price is shown in the List Price field.

Note: Strikethrough Pricing is a restricted feature that requires special permission from the MIP support team.

On the View Item page, the strikeThroughPrice value will have a line through it to help emphasize the amount of the discount to prospective buyers.

Type: decimal

Minimum Advertised Price


Optional. The Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is an agreement between suppliers (or OEMs) and retailers stipulating the lowest price a product is allowed to be advertised. You can offer prices below the MAP through other discounts. The value specified in this field won’t affect other products in multi-variation listings.

Note: Minimum Advertised Pricing is a restricted feature that requires special permission from the MIP support team.

Type: decimal

Minimum Advertised Price Handling


Required when using Minimum Advertised Price: The way in which the discounted MAP price (List Price value) is displayed during the checkout flow.

Note: Minimum Advertised Price Handling is a restricted feature that requires special permission from the MIP support team.

A string with these valid values:

  • PRE_CHECKOUT: Shows the discounted MAP price if the buyer clicks a link (or a button) on the View Item page to display the discounted MAP price in a pop-up window.

  • DURING_CHECKOUT: Shows the discounted MAP price when the buyer commits to buy the product, but not before.

  • NONE: The discounted MAP price isn’t shown to the buyer during the checkout flow.

Type: string

Store Category Name 1


Optional. The full path to the first eBay store category.

Note: Listings will go to default store category if the seller does not supply a specific store category.

Type: string

Store Category Name 2


Optional. The full path to the second eBay store category.

Type: string

CSV: Sold Off Ebay

XML: pricingDetails.soldOffEbay

Optional. Indicates whether you offered the same (or similar) product for the same sale price (listPrice value) on a Web site or offline store other than eBay in the previous 30 days. This field only applies with Strikethrough Pricing. The value true indicates that the “Strikethrough Price” was a price found off of eBay’s platform.

Note: Only applicable for Strikethrough Pricing. Strikethrough Pricing is a restricted feature that requires special permission from the MIP support team.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: Sold On Ebay

XML: pricingDetails.soldOnEbay

Optional. Indicates whether you offered the same (or similar) product for the same sale price (listPrice value) on an eBay site in the previous 30 days.

This field is only applicable for products selling on the US, eBay Motors, UK, Germany, Canada (English and French), France, Italy, and Spain sites, and only with Strikethrough Pricing.

Note: Only applicable for Strikethrough Pricing. Strikethrough Pricing is a restricted feature that requires special permission from the MIP support team.

The value true indicates that the “Strikethrough Price” was a price found on eBay’s platform. If this field is included and set to true, eBay displays Was* in the UK, and Ursprunglich* in Germany, next to the discounted price of the item.

Note: If the SoldOffeBay and soldOneBay fields are both set, soldOneBay takes precedence.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: Apply Tax

XML: channelDetails.applyTax

Optional. Defaults to false if not specified. Indicates whether or not to apply the sales tax table, if any, that is set up in your account preferences. To override the sales tax settings for the product, set this value to false.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: Tax Category

XML: channelDetails.taxCategory

Optional. The tax exception category code, used to apply special taxes such as WASTE_RECYCLING_FEE.

This field should be used only by sellers who have opted into sales tax being calculated by a sales tax calculation vendor like Vertex.

Type: string

CSV: VAT Percent

XML: channelDetails.VATPercent

Optional. Value Added Tax percentage of the sale price.

Type: percentage

CSV: No CSV equivalent


For XML only, the shippingCostOverrides container consists of fields related to shipping costs, both domestic and international as set through the shippingServiceType field (required). This container is used for each shipping cost so the priority field (also required) defines the order of the shipping service option.

CSV handles the information using separate columns.

Domestic Shipping Pn Cost

n = 1-4

International Shipping Pn Cost
n = 1-5


Optional. The shipping cost for all domestic and/or all international shipping services currently defined for the product in a shipping business policy, either defined at the listing level or referenced through the shipping policy name. Shipping costs include the cost to ship one item and the cost to ship each additional identical item.

You can set up to four shipping options in your own country and up to five shipping options to ship to other countries.

  • Domestic Shipping P1-P4 Cost

  • International Shipping P1-P5 Cost

For XML (only), since the same shippingCostOverrides container is used for each shipping cost, this field requires shippingCostOverrides.shippingServiceType value set to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, and the the priority field to define the order of the shipping service option.

Type: decimal

Domestic Shipping Pn Additional Cost

n = 1-4

International Shipping Pn Additional Cost
n = 1-5


Optional. Added to the shipping cost for all domestic and/or all international shipping services currently defined for the product in a shipping business policy, either defined at the listing level or referenced through the shipping policy name. Additional shipping costs include the additional cost to ship one item and the additional cost to ship each additional identical item.

You can set up to four additional shipping costs in your own country and up to five additional shipping costs to ship to other countries.

  • Domestic Shipping P1-P4 Additional Cost

  • International Shipping P1-P5 Additional Cost

Tip: To remove an added shipping cost, delete it from the distribution feed, and then upload the feed.

For XML (only), since the same shippingCostOverrides container is used for each shipping cost, this field requires shippingCostOverrides.shippingServiceType value set to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, and the the priority field to define the order of the shipping service option.

Type: decimal

Domestic Shipping Pn Surcharge

n = 1-4

International Shipping Pn Surcharge
n = 1-5


Optional. Surcharge for all domestic and/or all international shipping services currently defined for the product in a shipping business policy, either defined at the listing level or referenced through the shipping policy name. Surcharge includes any shipping surcharges applicable to one item and the cost to ship each additional identical item for domestic and/or all international shipping services.

You can set up to four additional shipping costs in your own country and up to five additional shipping costs to ship to other countries.

  • Domestic Shipping P1-P4 Surcharge

  • International Shipping P1-P5 Surcharge

Tip: To remove a surcharge, delete it from the distribution feed, and then upload the feed.

For XML (only), since the same shippingCostOverrides container is used for each shipping cost, this field requires shippingCostOverrides.shippingServiceType value set to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, and the the priority field to define the order of the shipping service option.

Type: decimal

CSV: No CSV equivalent


Required for XML feeds. Since the same shippingCostOverrides container is used for each shipping cost (XML feeds only), this field is required set to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL. The priority field is also required to define the order of the shipping service option, domestic (1-4) or international (1-5).

Type: string

CSV: No CSV equivalent


Required for XML feeds. Since the same shippingCostOverrides container is used for each shipping cost (XML feeds only), this field is required to define the order of the shipping service option, domestic (1-4) or international (1-5). The shippingServiceType field is also required to be set to either DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL.

Type: integer

CSV: TemplateName

XML: channelDetails.templateName

Conditional: Description templates are optional user-created HTML files that set up the look and feel of their product listings on the eBay site. They contain layout, font, and color information, and can use CSS files to define the parameters. Description templates are generally created by experienced eBay sellers users who want custom layouts for their products or store.

Type: string

CSV: CustomFields

XML: channelDetails.customFields

Conditional: Custom fields allow sellers to specify data elements that are not part of the product definition but can be referred in the template when generating a description.


CSV uses the following syntax for name/value pairs: name1=value1|name2=value2|name3=value3.

 descriptionTitle=Great new product|Features=ceramic, drilled and slotted|Shipping=free


XML requires a customField container for each name/value pair.


CSV: Eligible For EbayPlus

XML: channelDetails.eligibleForEbayPlus

eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast and free domestic shipping, and free returns on selected items. To offer this feature to buyers, sellers must opt in to eBay Plus, and their selling status must be 'Above Standard' or above.

This field is only applicable for eligible sellers selling eligible items selling on the eBay Germany marketplace,

In addition to the seller, listing category, and item being eligible for eBay Plus, the seller must also set/commit to the following for the listing:

  • Same-day or one-day handling

  • A free, next-day shipping option offered

  • A return policy that offers a 30-day (or longer) return period

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: lotSize

XML: channelDetails.lotSize

A lot is a set of two or more similar items included in a single listing that must be purchased together in a single order line item. The lotSize value is the number of items in the lot.

Type: integer

CSV: Pickup In Store Eligible

XML: channelDetails.pickupInStoreEligible

This boolean field is included and set to true to enable the listing for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect is only available to a limited number of large retail merchants in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia marketplaces. The In-Store Pickup feature can only be applied to multiple-quantity listings.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: Warehouse Location ID

XML: channelDetails.warehouseLocationID


Conditionally Required for BOPIS or Click and Collect items. For BOPIS/C&C listings, the identifier of the store or warehouse location where the item can be picked up.

Type: string

CSV: Hide Buyer Details

XML: channelDetails.hideBuyerDetails


Optional. Defaults to false if not specified. Indicates whether or not to create a private listing. With private listings, the user IDs of buyers/bidders are only shown to the seller of the listing, and not to any other eBay users.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: Compliance policies

XML: channelDetails.compliancePolicyID


Optional. Used if the seller wants to apply one or more product compliance policies to the listing. A separate compliancePolicyID field is required for each policy to be applied, and the seller specifies the identifier of each policy in this field.

Create and manage compliance policies in your account settings on My eBay.

Note: You can apply up to five policies to a listing.

Note: In a CSV file, the policy IDs are separated by the pipe symbol. In an XML file, include a compliancePolicyID element for each policy.





Type: string

CSV: Take-back policy

XML: channelDetails.takeBackPolicyID


Optional. Used if the seller wants to apply a take-back policy to the listing. The seller will specify the identifier of the take-back policy in this field. The law in some countries may require sellers to take back a used product when the buyer buys a new product. Use this field to specify one take-back policy ID for the listing.

Create and manage compliance policies in your account settings on My eBay.

Type: string

CSV: producerProductId

XML: channelDetails.producerProductId

This field is deprecated and should not be used. The unique identifier of the producer related to the item. For instance, if the seller is selling a cell phone, it is the ID related to the cell phone.

Extended Producer Responsibility IDs are now set for supported categories in the seller’s account. Sellers registered to sell on the eBay France marketplace will go to this page in their eBay account to provide their EPR IDs for applicable categories: https://accountsettings.<domain>/epr-fr. Sellers will use the domain of their home/registration site. For example, sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on.

Type: string

CSV: productPackageId

XML: extendedProducerResponsibility.productPackageId

This field is deprecated and should not be used. The unique identifier of the producer of any packaging related to the product added by the seller. This does not include packaging in which the product is shipped (see shipmentPackageId). For instance, if the seller adds bubble wrap, it is the ID related to the bubble wrap.

Extended Producer Responsibility IDs are now set for supported categories in the seller’s account. Sellers registered to sell on the eBay France marketplace will go to this page in their eBay account to provide their EPR IDs for applicable categories: https://accountsettings.<domain>/epr-fr. Sellers will use the domain of their home/registration site. For example, sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on.

Type: string

CSV: shipmentPackageId

XML: extendedProducerResponsibility.shipmentPackageId

This field is deprecated and should not be used. The unique identifier of the producer of any packaging used by the seller to ship the item. This does not include non-shipping packaging added to the product (see productPackageId). This ID is required when the seller uses packaging to ship the item. For instance, if the seller uses a different box to ship the item, it is the ID related to the box.

Extended Producer Responsibility IDs are now set for supported categories in the seller’s account. Sellers registered to sell on the eBay France marketplace will go to this page in their eBay account to provide their EPR IDs for applicable categories: https://accountsettings.<domain>/epr-fr. Sellers will use the domain of their home/registration site. For example, sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on.



This field is deprecated and should not be used. The unique identifier of the producer of any paper added to the parcel of the item by the seller. For example, this ID concerns any notice, leaflet, or paper that the seller adds to a cell phone parcel.

Extended Producer Responsibility IDs are now set for supported categories in the seller’s account. Sellers registered to sell on the eBay France marketplace will go to this page in their eBay account to provide their EPR IDs for applicable categories: https://accountsettings.<domain>/epr-fr. Sellers will use the domain of their home/registration site. For example, sellers based in the US will use, sellers based in France will use, and so on.

Type: string

CSV: ecoParticipationFee


Optional. The fee paid for new items to the eco-organization (for example, "eco-organisme" in France). It is a contribution to the financing of the elimination of the item responsibly.

Type: decimal

CSV: Hazmat Pictograms

XML: hazmat.pictograms.pictogram

Optional. The pictogram code(s) for the Hazard Pictogram(s) for the listing. For sample values, see Pictogram sample values.





Type: string

CSV: Hazmat SignalWord

XML: hazmat.signalWord

Optional. The signal word for the hazardous materials in the listing stated on your product’s Safety Data Sheet:

  • Danger

  • Warning

For additional information, see Signal word information.

Type: string


CSV: Hazmat Statements

XML: hazmat.statements.statement

Optional. Provides hazard statements for the listing. For sample values, see Hazard statement sample values.

Note: This field is conditionally required if providing hazardous materials information.

Type: string

CSV: Hazmat Component

XML: hazmat.component

Optional. This field is used by the seller to provide component information for the listing. For example, component information can provide the specific material of Hazmat concern.

Type: string

Max length: 120 characters

CSV: EnergyEfficiencyLabel ImageURL

XML: regulatory.energyEfficiencyLabel.imageURL

Optional. The URL to the Energy Efficiency Label image that is applicable to an item.

Type: string

CSV: EnergyEfficiencyLabel ImageDescription


Optional. A brief verbal summary of the information included on the Energy Efficiency Label for an item.

Type: string

CSV: EnergyEfficiencyLabel ProductInformationSheet


Optional. The URL to the Product Information Sheet that provides complete manufacturer-provided efficiency information about an item.

Type: string

CSV: Regional ProductCompliancePolicies


Optional. The list of unique identifiers indicating the seller-created country-specific product compliance policies that will be used for a listing.

Product compliance policies provide buyers with important information and disclosures about products. For example, if you sell batteries in a country requiring disclosures that apply only to that country, a country-specific product compliance policy could contain this information.

Each listing may include up to six (6) product compliance policies for each of the following countries:

  • United Kingdom [GB]

  • Germany [DE]

  • France [FR]

  • Italy [IT]

  • Spain [ES]

Product compliance policies that apply to all countries to which a seller ships are specified using Compliance policies or CompliancePolicyID


CSV uses the following syntax for name/value pairs: name1=value1|name2=value2|name3=value3.




Type: string

CSV: Regional TakeBackPolicies

XML: channelDetails.regionalTakeBackPolicies

Optional. The list of unique identifiers indicating the seller-created take-back policies that will be used for a listing. The law in some countries may require sellers to take back a used product when the buyer buys a new product.

Each listing may include one (1) country-specific take-back policy for each supported country:

  • United Kingdom [GB]

  • Germany [DE]

  • France [FR]

  • Italy [IT]

  • Spain [ES]

Take-back policies that apply to all countries to which a seller ships are specified using Take-back policy or takeBackPolicyID.


CSV uses the following syntax for name/value pairs: name1=value1|name2=value2|name3=value3.




Type: string

CSV: Manufacturer CompanyName

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.companyName

Optional. The company name of the product manufacturer.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 100 characters

CSV: Manufacturer ContactUrl

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.contactUrl

Optional. The contact URL of the product manufacturer.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: Manufacturer AddressLine1

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.addressLine1

Optional. The first line of the product manufacturer’s street address.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: Manufacturer AddressLine2

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.addressLine2

Optional. The second line of the product manufacturer's street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: Manufacturer City


Optional. The city of the product manufacturer's street address.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 64 characters

CSV: Manufacturer Country


Optional. The two letter ISO 3166 standard abbreviation of the country of the manufacturer's address.

See CountryCodeType for supported values.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

CSV: Manufacturer PostalCode

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.postalCode

Optional.The postal code of the product manufacturer’s street address.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 9 characters

CSV: Manufacturer StateOrProvince

XML: regulatory.manufacturer.stateOrProvince

Optional. The state or province of the product manufacturer's street address.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 64 characters

CSV: Manufacturer Phone


Optional. The product manufacturer's business phone numbers.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 64 characters

CSV: Manufacturer Email


Optional. The product manufacturer's business email address.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory manufacturer information in their eBay listings. If the manufacturer is not based in the EU or Northern Ireland, the Responsible Persons fields must be used to provide at least one Responsible Persons based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson CompanyName

XML: regulatory.resonsiblePerson.companyName

Optional. The name of the Responsible Person or entity.

Note: Up to 5 Responsible Persons can be specified.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 100 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson ContactUrl

XML: regulatory.responsiblePerson.contactUrl

Optional. The contact URL of the Responsible Person or entity.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 250 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson AddressLine1

XML: regulatory.resonsiblePerson.addressLine1

Optional. The first line of the Responsible Person's street address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson AddressLine2

XML: regulatory.responsiblePerson.addressLine2

Optional. The second line of the Responsible Person's address.

This field is not always used, but can be used for secondary address information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson City


Optional. The city of the Responsible Person's street address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson Country


Optional. The two letter ISO 3166 standard abbreviation of the country of the Responsible Person's address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

See CountryCodeType for supported values.

Type: string

CSV: ResponsiblePerson PostalCode

XML: regulatory.responsiblePerson.postalCode

Optional. The postal code of the Responsible Person's street address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 9 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson StateOrProvince

XML: regulatory.responsiblePerson.stateOrProvince

Optional. The state of province of the Responsible Person's street address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 9 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson Phone


Optional. The Responsible Person's business phone number.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 64 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson Email


Optional. The Responsible Person's email address.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

Max length: 180 characters

CSV: ResponsiblePerson Types

XML: regulatory.responsiblePerson.types

Optional. The type(s) associated with a Responsible Person or entity.

Currently, the only supported value is EUResponsiblePerson.

Note: Responsible Persons must be based in the EU or Northern Ireland.

Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory Responsible Persons information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

CSV: Product Safety Component

XML: regulatory.productSafety.component

Optional. The product safety component information for the listing.

For example, component information can include specific warnings related to product safety, such as 'Tipping hazard'.

Note: Component information can only be specified if used with the pictograms and/or statements field; if the component is provided without one or both of these fields, an error will occur.

Type: string

Max length: 120 characters

CSV: Product Safety Pictograms

XML: regulatory.productSafety.pictograms.pictogram

Optional. The pictogram code(s) for the product safety pictogram(s) for the listing.

For pictogram code values and descriptions, see Product safety pictogram values.


EBPSP101 | EBPSP102				



Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory product safety information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

CSV: Product Safety Statements

XML: regulatory.productSafety.statements.statement

Optional. The statement code(s) for the product safety statement(s) for the listing.

For statement code values and descriptions, see Product safety statement values.


EBPSS101 | EBPSS101		



Note: As part of General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) requirements effective on December 13th, 2024, sellers operating in, or shipping to, EU-based countries or Northern Ireland are conditionally required to provide regulatory product safety information in their eBay listings.

Type: string

CSV: Documents

XML: regulatory.documents.document.documentID

Optional. The unique identifier(s) of the regulatory document(s) associated with a listing.


1********d | 1********e			



Type: string