The eBay Deal API allows third-party developers to search for and retrieve details about eBay deals and events, as well as the items associated with those deals and events.
This is a (Limited Release). For information on how to obtain access to this API in production, see the Buy APIs Requirements.
The Deal API leverages the following resources in order to facilitate event discovery, as well as deal and item retrievals by marketplace:
- deal_item – The getDealItem method returns a paginated set of deal items. The result set contains all deal items associated with the specified search criteria and marketplace ID.
- event – The getEvent method retrieves the details for an eBay event, such as applicable coupons, start and end dates, and event terms. The getEvents method returns paginated results containing all eBay events for the specified marketplace.
- event_item – The getEventItems method returns a paginated set of event items. The result set contains all event items associated with the specified search criteria and marketplace ID.
Note: For information about using RESTful APIs, see Using eBay Restful APIs.
Deal API functionality
The eBay Deal API supports the following general use cases:
Note: The marketplace ID is required when using these methods.
Retrieve deal items
Buyers can retrieve a set of items associated with eBay deals. The result set contains the deal items available in the specified marketplace.
This sample retrieves 1 eBay deal item within the category associated with category ID 257818:
Retrieve events for a marketplace
Buyers can retrieve the details associated with events for a specific eBay marketplace. The event details returned include:
- Applicable coupons
- Event description
- Start and end dates
- Event terms
This sample retrieves detailed information for the eBay event associated with event ID 5efd358dc0b33c2:
Retrieve events items
Buyers can retrieve a set of items associated with eBay events. The result set contains the event items available in the specified marketplace.
This sample retrieves 1 eBay event item within the event associated with event ID 5f063b3ba8f4407ef3d37951:
Deal API usage
After using the Deal API methods to retrieve the details for eBay deals and events, buyers can leverage the eBay Order API to update existing orders or to create new orders.
For example, you can use the getEvent Deal API method to retrieve the available coupons associated with an eBay event. The response returns the coupon redemption code in the applicableCoupons.redemptionCode field. You can then apply the redemption code to an existing order using the applyCoupon Order API method.
Note: For more information, see the Order API section of this Buying Integration Guide.