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Published: April 06 2007, 9:35:00 PM Updated: August 25 2022, 12:59:52 AM
How can I find out if buyer and seller have left the feedbacks for a transaction?
When a feedback is left by either the seller or the buyer for a transaction, the data as below will be reported in GetMyeBaySelling and GetMyeBayBuying:
For buyer : WonList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.FeedbackLeft WonList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.FeedbackReceived
For seller: SoldList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Transaction.FeedbackLeft SoldList.OrderTransactionArray.OrderTransaction.Transaction.FeedbackReceived Please note that 1. The FeedbackLeft and FeedbackReceived properties are only returned if the data are available. 2. GetItemWaitingFeedback also reports FeedbackReceived or FeedbackLeft data if only one of the involved users has left a feedback for a given transaction.
Detail Description
The sample response obtained from the GetMyeBayBuying request shows that both the FeedbackLeft and FeedbackReceived information for the transaction 27981064005 have returned, while only the FeedbackReceived tag is returned for the transaction 34847927005 which indicates that the buyer needs to leave feedback to the seller of the transaction.
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
< GetMyeBayBuyingRequest xmlns =" urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents ">
<RequesterCredentials >< eBayAuthToken > Token </ eBayAuthToken > </ RequesterCredentials >
< WonList >
< DurationInDays > 30 </ DurationInDays >
< IncludeNotes > true </ IncludeNotes >
< Pagination >< EntriesPerPage > 25 </ EntriesPerPage > < PageNumber > 1 </ PageNumber >
</ WonList >
</ GetMyeBayBuyingRequest >
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< GetMyeBayBuyingResponse xmlns =" urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents ">
< Timestamp > 2021-04-07T02:22:05.482Z </ Timestamp >
< Build > e507_core_Bundled_4487707_R1 </ Build >
<BuyingSummary >
< BiddingCount > 0 </ BiddingCount >
< WinningCount > 0 </ WinningCount >
< TotalWinningCost currencyID =" USD "> 0.0 </ TotalWinningCost >
< TotalWonCost currencyID =" USD "> 4.12 </ TotalWonCost >
< WonDurationInDays > 30 </ WonDurationInDays >
< BestOfferCount > 0 </ BestOfferCount >
</ BuyingSummary >
< WonList >
<OrderTransactionArray >
< OrderTransaction >
< Transaction >
< Item >
< ItemID > 1*********3 </ ItemID >
<ListingDetails >
< StartTime > 2021-03-28T21:06:41.000Z </ StartTime >
< EndTime > 2021-03-28T21:14:25.000Z </ EndTime >
< ExpressListing > false </ ExpressListing >
</ ListingDetails >
< ListingType > StoresFixedPrice </ ListingType >
<SellingStatus >
< CurrentPrice currencyID =" USD "> 0.89 </ CurrentPrice >
</ SellingStatus >
< ShippingDetails >
< ShippingServiceOptions >
< ShippingServiceCost currencyID =" USD "> 5.0 </ ShippingServiceCost >
</ ShippingServiceOptions >
</ ShippingDetails >
< Title > TEST - Do not bid </ Title >
</ Item >
< QuantityPurchased > 1 </ QuantityPurchased >
< TransactionID > 34847927005 </ TransactionID >
< BuyerPaidStatus > MarkedAsPaid </ BuyerPaidStatus >
< PaidTime > 2021-04-05T20:35:21.000Z </ PaidTime >
< TotalPrice currencyID =" USD "> 6.01 </ TotalPrice >
< FeedbackReceived >
< CommentType > Positive </ CommentType >
</ FeedbackReceived >
< TransactionPlatform > eBay </ TransactionPlatform >
</ Transaction >
</ OrderTransaction >
< Transaction >
< Item >
< ItemID > 150102009671 </ ItemID >
< ListingDetails >
< StartTime > 2021-03-14T18:34:44.000Z </ StartTime >
< EndTime > 2021-03-14T18:39:46.000Z </ EndTime >
< ExpressListing > false </ ExpressListing >
</ ListingDetails >
< ListingType > FixedPriceItem </ ListingType >
< SellingStatus >
< CurrentPrice currencyID =" USD "> 0.99 </ CurrentPrice >
</ SellingStatus >
< ShippingDetails >
< ShippingServiceOptions >
< ShippingServiceCost currencyID =" USD "> 0.4 </ ShippingServiceCost >
</ ShippingServiceOptions >
</ ShippingDetails >
< Title > Test. Do not bid. </ Title >
</ Item >
< QuantityPurchased > 1 </ QuantityPurchased >
< TransactionID > 27981064005 </ TransactionID >
< BuyerPaidStatus > MarkedAsPaid </ BuyerPaidStatus >
< PaidTime > 2021-04-05T19:51:03.000Z </ PaidTime >
< TotalPrice currencyID =" USD "> 1.39 </ TotalPrice >
< FeedbackLeft >
< CommentType > Positive </ CommentType >
</ FeedbackLeft >
< FeedbackReceived >
< CommentType > Positive </ CommentType >
</ FeedbackReceived >
< TransactionPlatform > eBay </ TransactionPlatform >
</ Transaction >
</ OrderTransaction >
<PaginationResult >
< TotalNumberOfPages > 1 </ TotalNumberOfPages >
< TotalNumberOfEntries > 4 </ TotalNumberOfEntries >
</ PaginationResult >
</ WonList >
</ GetMyeBayBuyingResponse >
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