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Published: December 15 2006, 2:56:00 PMUpdated: August 24 2022, 11:10:17 PM

What are the best practices for managing Order level Paid Status?


Your application may wish to monitor the Paid Status of Orders. The Paid Status is set by the Seller in MyeBay, or by the Complete Sale API call.  This article describes the support and best practices for monitoring Order level Paid Status.

Detailed Description

Setting the Paid Status of an Order

The Paid Status of an Order can be set in two ways, depending on how your eBay Sellers manage their item status.  If the Seller uses MyeBay, they can mark an Order as paid by choosing the 'Mark Payment as Received' option in MyeBay.  If the Seller uses an API application, the application can call CompleteSale for each item within the Order, or all ReviseCheckoutStatus at the Order level, to mark the Order as paid.

Which fields are set when the Paid Status is updated?

The Order object does not contain it's own PaidTime flag. If an Order is marked as Paid, the following data is changed:

  • When Order is marked as PaymentReceived in MyeBay:
    1. GetOrders: Order.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime is updated
    2. GetItemTransactions: Transaction.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime is updated
    3. GetItemTransactions: Transaction.PaidTime is Set/Updated.
  • When CompleteSale is called at the item level, the Order.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime is NOT updated.
  • When ReviseCheckoutStatus is called at the Order Level:
    1. GetOrders: Order.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime is updated
    2. GetItemTransactions: Transaction.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime is updated
    3. GetItemTransactions: Transaction.PaidTime is Set/Updated.

How can I retrieve a list of Orders in which the PaidTime has been set?

Because the Order object does not contain it's own PaidTime flag, you are reliant on the PaidTime setting in the Transaction for this information.  Therefore it is suggested that you monitor changes to the Order.CheckoutStatus.LastModifiedTime via GetOrders and Transaction.PaidTime via GetItemTransactions.


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