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I am trying to set the ShippingType to Free in my AddItem request, but it does not let me add any ShippingService. Why is this happening?
The ShippingCodeType Free is not meant to be used as an input. If you set ShippingType to Free, it will not allow you to specify any ShippingService and on the Search or ViewItem page, it does not show that Shipping is Free anywhere unless you specify it in the description.
Detailed Description
If you need to specify the Shipping Cost as Free, then you need to set the ShippingServiceCost to 0 as under:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Location>San Jose, CA</Location>
Version Info
The code example above was based on the versions specified below:
API Schema Version | 1123 |
Additional Resources
- Documentation: ShippingTypeCodeType