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I am a motor vehicles seller and I need an uptodate list of bidders so that I can try and convert the bid to a sale. How can I do this? Should I call GetAllBidders for all my items at a regular interval?
Detailed Description
An efficient application design would be to make a call to
GetSellerEvents every 30 minutes with the ModTime filter set from the last time
you made the call to the current time to get a list of all the items for which a
seller event has occured. Then you iterate through each item in the list
and check if there is a change in the BidCount for the Item with the value in
your database. If there is a change, it is only then you make a call to
GetAllBidders for the Item and retrieve the list of bidders.
Here is a sample Scenario:
1. Make a GetSellerEvents call request:
<?xml version="1.0"
<GetSellerEventsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
Sample Response:
<?xml version="1.0"
2. Iterate through the ItemArray:
- For ItemID 110005777243, since the BidCount is greater than 0, check the value in your database. If it is 0, then you have received a new bid, so make a call to GetAllBidders for ItemID 110005777243.
- For ItemID 110005778741, since the BidCount is 0, so you can even skip the check in your database; and not make any call to GetAllBidders.
This design will significantly reduce the calls to GetAllBidders
unnecessarily and make your application scale very easily.
Given a choice, you should always try to pick those calls which are lightweight
and make the other calls only when required.
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