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Why do I get charged a SubTitle fee when I relist my item even though I do not have any content in the SubTitle tag?
To delete an item property, the application must use DeletedField to specify the property to delete from an original listing. For more information, read the section Relisting Items in the documentation.
For example, if you want to drop the SubTitle when you relist an item, you must specify as <DeletedField>Item.SubTitle</DeletedField>. If you try to drop it using any other way, such specifying a space in the value for the tag or specifying an empty tag, it may not be dropped and you can end up being charged for the SubTitle.
Here is a sample RelistItem request will drop the SubTitle for an item which originally had a SubTitle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelistItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">