Warning 21920205 : The product with ePID value XXXXXXXXXX is not currently listable. It has been dropped from the listing.
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Published: October 29 2018, 9:15:00 AMUpdated: January 11 2023, 4:50:58 PM
When listing a product via
Trading API or Inventory API with an ePID obtained from eBay site or Trading
API’s GetItem,
you may get a warning message in the API response:
21920205 – The product with ePID value
<xxxxxxxxxx> is not currently listable.
It has been dropped from the listing.
eBay database contains a
large catalog. Not all catalog products
can be used for listing. You may run
into the above warning message even if the product is viewable on the site via https://www.ebay.com/p/xxxxxxxxxx, or returned via getProduct
API call.
To find an ePID that is
adoptable via the selling flow, please use Catalog API’s search or Shopping
API’s FindProducts*
call using keyword, GTIN, category. All
ePID recommendations returned from these calls are adoptable via Trading /
Inventory API selling flow.