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Published: August 29 2018, 2:40:00 PMUpdated: September 08 2022, 5:52:51 AM


User makes createOrReplaceInventoryItem and set quantity to 0

User makes bulkUpdatePriceQuantity and set offer level quantity to 0

User makes createOrReplaceInventoryItem and set quantity to 2

Listing is still at 0 quantity.  How can I update quantity of the listing?


When listings are created using Inventory API, quantity can be updated either at the InventoryItem level or the Offer level. Below is a summary of how Inventory API handles quantity:


·         InventoryItem level quantity can be specified via createOrReplaceInventoryItem’s shipToLocationAvailability.quantity, or via bulkUpdatePriceQuantity’s shipToLocationAvailability.quantity


·         Offer level quantity can be specified via createOffer/updateOffer’s availableQuantity, or via bulkUpdatePriceQuantity’s availableQuantity


·         If both shipToLocaitonAvailability.quantity and availableQuantity are specified, the listing quantity will be the lower of the two.


If the intent is to offer all available quantities for an inventory item, best practice is to set quantity at the Inventory level only.  User need not have to keep track of what quantity was set on offer level.


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