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Where can I find documentation that spells out what ListingDurations are allowed for the different types of items on each site?
The GetCategoryFeatures call should be used to get the Listing Duration Logic for each site.
It is advised that this call be made once a day for each siteid with a DetailLevel of ReturnAll.
With GetCategoryFeatures, you also have the ability of getting information about a specific feature by using the FeatureID field.
Here is an example of how to use the GetCategoryFeatures call to get the different Listing Durations for the US site with the FeatureID set to ListingDurations:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetCategoryFeaturesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
The response XML will have the following as part of the entire response:
<ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">7</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDurations Version="4">
<ListingDuration durationSetID="8">
<ListingDuration durationSetID="7">
<ListingDuration durationSetID="14">
<ListingDuration durationSetID="2">
<ListingDuration durationSetID="1">
The response is interpreted like this:
For Chinese items you find the value of the SiteDefaults.ListingDuration node whose type xml attribute value is "Chinese". This value would be 1 as can be seen from this XML:
<ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
Now you find the ListingDuration child node of FeatureDefinitions.ListingDurations whose durationSetID xml attribute value is the same as the value we have in hand ("1" in our case).
This would point us to the following XML:
<ListingDuration durationSetID="1">
Each Duration child node is a valid Duration. So we know that Chinese items have the following valid durations:
We follow the same steps for the different types of items indicated in the list:
<ListingDuration type="FixedPriceItem">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="PersonalOffer">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="StoresFixedPrice">7</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="AdType">2</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Live">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Dutch">1</ListingDuration>
<ListingDuration type="Chinese">1</ListingDuration>
and we find the following Durations are valid for these item types:
FixedPriceItem, PersonalOffer, Live, Dutch, Chinese
The above steps should be done for each siteid to get the valid listing durations for each type of item.