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I am trying to update all active listings with ReviseFixedPriceItem so that the International ShippingRateTable is used but it is not working. What am I doing wrong ?
Please make sure you are following all these steps while Revising the item to setup International ShippingRateTable :
1. Configure the ShippingRateTable in My eBay.
2. To make sure that the table are correctly configured, make a call to GetUser api and you should see the following in the response :
3. Revise the item with the tag InternationalRateTable set to Default (as described in the documentation above).
Note : Please make sure that in the Revise call you include the 'complete shipping container'.
For example: you revise call should look something like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ReviseFixedPriceItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">1.0</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceAdditionalCost currencyID="GBP">1.0</ShippingServiceAdditionalCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="GBP">2.0</ShippingServiceCost>