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When I am trying to List an Item as Non-Profit I am getting the error# 21915483 .
Message: We're sorry, but you appear to not be registered to sell for a nonprofit. Please agree to the Terms and Conditions.
I am registered to sell for nonprofit, also if I List an Item using SYI(webflow) form, there is no such error.
First of all try to check if you are affiliated to any of the non profit organizations. you can check this by:
*Goto myeBay
*Under Account, click on Donation Account
*You can view the Summary to check if you are Affiliated or not.
If You are affiliated to a Charity Organization, and if you are still receiving error 21915483 - then :
It can be due to the a wrong Charity Id that you might be using in your API call. Please verify your Charity Id by making a call to GetUser,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetUserRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
In the response you should find your charity ID.
<GetUserResponse .............
- <CharityAffiliationDetail>
Now Use the charity Id you retreived in your AddFixedPriceItem Call, and it should list the item successfully.