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Sample XSL Transformation to convert GetSellerList output to 'Gallery' HTML
*** Project ***
Sample XSL Transformation to convert GetSellerList output to 'Gallery' HTML
- Link to ViewItem page is generated in HTML output
- Time remaining in auction is generated in HTML output
- Picture URL or place holder image is generated in HTML output
- Currency Icon is parsed and generated in HTML output
*** Environment ***
XSLT Stylesheet to be applied to XML results of a GetSellerList request
*** Executing the Sample ***
1. Execute GetSellerList XML query with the following criteria:
- Detail Level must be equal to ReturnAll for the XSL transformation to function appropriately
- UserId is a valid eBay Seller account
- EntriesPerPage should be set to 10 or lower, the XSL transformation will output (ItemsPerPage) items in a horizontal 'Gallery'
<?xml version="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSellerListRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
</GetSellerListRequest>2. Apply the XSL transformation to the resulting XML programmatically or in an IDE or XML editor of your chosing.
*** Next Steps for the developer ***
1. Developer code in environment of choice to programmatically apply the XSL transformation to GSL output XML
2. Modify XSL to output HTML in a custom format (rows/columns, etc..)