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I listed my item using the PaymentMethod as IntegratedMerchantCreditCard but the GetItem response does not show that as the payment method.
Thats right. When a seller successfully uses AddItem/AddFixedPriceItem with IntegratedMerchantCreditCard, then for the resulting item, IntegratedMerchantCreditCard replaces specific, credit-card methods such as VisaMC, Discover, etc. In such a case, the listing displays (to potential buyers) the credit cards that the seller specified in the seller's preferences for their payment gateway account (in My eBay). Additionally, a buyer's credit-card payment is integrated into eBay checkout. Applicable only to the US site.
When the item sells, the transaction related calls such as GetItemTransactions, GetSellerTransactions will return
Item.IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled as true
TransactionArray.Transaction.Status.IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled as true for transactions on that item.
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