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What eBay payment methods equate to 'Bank Deposit" and "Bank Deposit Express" in Australia?
The PaymentMethods element is a repeatable element (array) in the Item container.
This means more than one payment method can be indicated for an item.
Simply put all of the payment methods available for an item together in the Item container of the AddItem call.
For example, here is an AddItem call that offers four payment methods for the item being listed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
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Answers others found helpful
- PaymentMethods must be contiguous within the XML for AddItem, RelistItem, and ReviseItem
- Need to add 'Bank deposit' as payment method for some eBay sites
- Error 5133 - ReviseItem returns Deposit error for Motor Items
- Removing PaymentMethods and ShipToLocations
- Error 2191086 - Sorry, you must accept at least one valid safe payment method