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AddItem API request is blocked if the Item.LotSize is set to 1 as below in the request :
<LotSize>1</LotSize> <Quantity>5</Quantity>
However why the following setting is allowed via SYI flow?
By definition, a lot is a set of two or more similar items that must be purchased together in a single transaction. This rule applies to both AddItem API and SYI flow that the Item.LotSize property can't be set to 1 through either AddItem API call or SYI flow. As a result, when the value of the Items per lot is set to 1 in SYI page as below, the listing is programmtically determined as a 'non-Lot' item and any "Lot" associated properties are removed from the listing.
Detailed Description
Below are two use cases and the expected corresponding results for setting Item.LotSize property
Use Case 1. Item.LotSize is set to two or more
A. set the property on eBay SYI page
B. specify the property in AddItem API request
Result. The Item.LotSize is displayed in the ViewItem page for the listed item whose LotSize is set is use case 1.A or 1.B above :
Use Case 2. Item.LotSize is set to one
A. set the property on eBay SYI page
Result: . The item is lised as non-lot listing that the Item.LotSize property is dropped, and it is displayed as non-lot listing in the ViewItem page for the listed item as:
B. specify the property in AddItem API request
Result : the AddItem call is blocked as expected :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Lot Size is invalid.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Lot Size is invalid, need to be greater than 1, and less than 10000.</LongMessage>
Workaround / Recommendations for the Use Case 2.B
When the value of the Item per lot is set to 1 in your Listing tool, remove the <LotSize> tag or property from the AddItem request in question.