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Published: July 26 2007, 9:58:00 PMUpdated: August 05 2022, 3:02:15 PM

Using GetSellerEvents, how can I tell when the StartPrice has been modified when the field is not even returned in the response?

GetSellerEvents - How can I tell when the StartPrice has been modified when the field is not even returned in the response?

Detailed Description

When using GetSellerEvents, you may want to know if the StartPrice of an item has been modified by another application or through the site.

The problem is that the call response does not return the StartPrice itself, so there does not appear to be an explicit way to determine this.  It is possible to modify the start price of an item under some circumstances.  For example, when a Chinese item has 0 bids the start price can be modified.

With the data returned in the response of the GetSellerEvents call it is possible to determine with a great deal of accuracy if the start price of the item was modified.

What you can do is to look at the value of the CurrentPrice returned.
If the value for BidCount is 0, then the CurrentPrice will reflect the effective StartPrice which is exactly what we want to know.
If the BidCount is greater than 0, then the StartPrice of the item cannot be changed anyway, and that tells us that the start price did not change.

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