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When I list an eBay Motors item, on the ViewItem page, for the Shipping, I see "Pickup only - see item description for details", although I do arrange for shipping. Why is this value being set?
The information displayed in Shipping and Sells to section depends on the values set for ShipToLocations and BuyerResponsibleForShipping in the AddItem request. If the ShipToLocations is explicitly set to None, then the item is available for pickup only.
Detailed Description
Here are some scenarios and the corresponding effect on the ViewItem page:
Item.ShipToLocations | Item.BuyerResponsibleForShipping | Display on ViewItem Page |
US | false | Shipping: See item description for shipping details Sells to: United States |
US | true | Shipping: Buyer responsible for vehicle pick-up or shipping. Vehicle shipping quote is available. Sells to: United States |
None | false | Shipping: Pickup only - see item description for details Sells to: Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping). |
None | true | Shipping: Pickup only - see item description for details Sells to: Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping). |
If Item.ShipToLocations is not specified, then it defaults to the site on which the item is listed. In the case of eBay Motors (SiteID 100), it defaults to US. Even if the site on which the item is not specified and other locations are specified, it is included by default.
If Item.BuyerResponsibleForShipping is not specified, it defaults to true.
Here is a sample request that will list an item with Shipping set to See item description for shipping details and Sells to set to United States, Canada :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Description>item description</Description>
<Title>item title</Title>
Version Info
The code example above was based on the versions specified below:
API Schema Version | 1123 |
Additional Resources
- Documentation: AddItem
eBay Motors