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Can I change local listing item to non-local listing?
RelistItem can be used to change a local listing item to an non-local listing. To make the change for a given item, you are required to:
1. Delete Item.ListingDetails.LocalListingDistance property with DeleteField
2. Specify the required item properties that apply to the new ListingType in your RelistItem request.
3. Set the BestOfferEnabled flag to false if you intend to change a local listing to a Chinese auction item
4. Define the ListingDuration to the value that applies to the intended listing item type.
Detailed Description
Below is the RelistItem API request that re-lists the item 250133172233 and change its Local listing type to Chinese auction type.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelistItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Title>2002 Audi 100</Title>
<eBayAuthToken>YOUR TOKEN</eBayAuthToken>
Additional Information