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This type is used to provide details about one or two of the seller's accounts that are enabled to receive payouts.

Type that uses PayoutInstrument


Call that uses PayoutInstrument


The last four digits of the account that the seller uses to receive payouts. This may be the last four digits of a bank account or a payment processor account such as Payoneer.
The unique reference identifier for a payout instrument. The instrumentId is needed to change the split-payout percentages through an updatePayoutPercentage request.
The status of a payout instrument. Valid payout instrument statuses include:
  • PENDING: This status indicates that the account must be verified before it can be used.
  • ACTIVE:This status indicates that payouts are enabled on this account.
  • VERIFICATION_FAILED: This status indicates that verification has failed for this account and payouts are disabled.
  • INACTIVE: This status indicates that this account has become inactive and payouts are disabled.

See InstrumentStatusEnum for more details on each instrument status value.

Note: Payment accounts can only receive payouts if the status of a payout instrument is ACTIVE.
The type of account that received payouts. The value returned in this field may be:
  • BANK: Indicates that the payout was made to a seller's bank account.
  • CARD (Not Currently Available): Indicates that the payout went to a seller's debit card.
  • The name of a digital wallet provider or payment processor (e.g., PAYONEER)

Note: Only Payoneer is currently supported for sellers in mainland China. Card payouts are not currently available for sellers in mainland China.
When instrumentType returns BANK, this value is the seller-provided nickname that the seller uses to represent the bank account that receives the payout.

When instrumentType returns CARD, this value is the debit card network for the debit card that receives the payout.

When instrumentType returns a provider of digital wallet or payment processing services, the value returned is the name of the service provider (e.g., PAYONEER)

Note: Only Payoneer is currently supported for sellers in mainland China. Card payouts are not currently available for sellers in mainland China.
The current payout percentage allocated to an instrument. For example, 50 indicates that 50% of the payout goes to the instrument.

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