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Published: September 14 2006, 11:33:00 AMUpdated: July 26 2022, 11:02:26 PM

Why does GetSellerEvents not return the bids for LiveAuction Items even though the ModTimeFilter contains the time range in which the bids were received?

Detailed Description

Although eBay Live Auctions collects absentee bids from authorized users up to 1 hour before the start of the auction, absentee bids are not considered a change event, and no change is recorded for an Item till the auction actually starts. In other words, till the auction for a LiveAuction item, actually starts, the ModTime filters will not work, since nothing was modified. However, the StartTime filter will work if it includes the start time of the item.  It is the real-time bids that cause the state of the item to change and hence trigger the item to show up in GetSellerEvents with the ModTimeFilter. 

So, for example, if an Live Auction Item Starts on 2020-09-14T20:30:00.000Z, and if it has absentee bids, this GetSellerEvents call that will return the absentee bids:

Here is a sample AddItem request with active content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
GetSellerEventsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
GetSellerEventsRequest >





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