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Published: March 07 2013, 12:59:00 PMUpdated: September 07 2022, 8:08:10 AM

Is it possible to revise the Inventory Tracking menthod of an Item using ReviseFixedPriceItem?

No, It is not possible to revise the Inventory Tracking menthod of an Item using ReviseFixedPriceItem(or other Revise family calls)

Why does the ReviseFixedPriceItem documentation  have this field , if its not supported?

So, While you are revising your Item, You specify XML fields of 2 types.

 1.Unique identifiers to the Item like SKU / ItemID fall in this category

 2. Fields to be revised. Ex: title, description etc.

If the Item is already managed by SKU, Then we specify the SKU and Item ID to revise any other fields. It’s just like ItemdID specified in the ReviseFixedPriceItem call, Which is placed in the request to revise other fields but  not to revise ItemID  itself. In other words that documentation refers to Items that are already managed by SKU, a.k.a  listed with Manage By SKU.


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